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5 dic 2023

28 nov 2023

23 nov 2023

21 nov 2023

El pepit príncep

 Bon dia

Et volem informar que hem comprat un exemplar del llibre El petit príncep en els 10 idiomes que ensenyem a l'escola (alemany, anglès, àrab, català, espanyol, francès, italià, japonès, rus i xinès). Està disponible per a préstec a la biblioteca de l'EOI. 

Per a celebrar-ho, 10 membres del professorat i 10 mebres de l'alumnat ens han regalat una lectura multilingüe dels dos primers capítols (youtube)

Moltes gràcies a tots els i les participants i si vols aquest o qualsevol altre document que tenim a la biblioteca, t'hi esperem!

2 nov 2023


 Aquests dies hem celebrat 🎃Halloween🎃 amb una activitat cultural 👻"aterradora"👻.


26 oct 2023

19 oct 2023


 Enguany oferim El Petit Príncep en els 10 idiomes que es poden estudiar a l'EOI de Palma:

  • alemany
  • àrab
  • anglès
  • català
  • espanyol llengua estrangera
  • francès
  • italià
  • japonès
  • rus
  • xinès



10 oct 2023

Dia Internacional de les Escriptores

 La biblioteca de l'EOI de Palma vos convida a celebrar el Dia Internacional de les Escriptores amb una selecció de llibres escrits per dones en tots els idiomes impartits a l'escola. Anima't a agafar-ne un en préstec!

3 oct 2023

Benvolgut alumnat,

des de la biblioteca de l’EOI de Palma volem donar-vos la benvinguda al nou curs i animar-vos a venir a conèixer-nos. 

La biblioteca de l’EOI de Palma obre les portes al públic dilluns 9 d’octubre amb el següent horari i serveis:

Si sou alumnes nous i voleu fer-vos el carnet, podeu emplenar aquest formulari i després venir presencialment a cercar-lo. No us oblideu de dur una foto carnet. 

Per estar al corrent de les novetats podeu consultar el nostre blog o l’instagram de la biblioteca. 

Obrim les nostres portes amb molta il·lusió. Us hi esperam.

Una salutació, 

L’equip de la biblioteca

7 ago 2023


 La rosa come simbolo della cultura catalana

San Giorgio, il libro e la rosa: tutti e tre rappresentano l’amore per la letteratura, la lettura, la cultura e il sentimento di conservare una tradizione fortemente attecchita nei Paesi Catalani. Il 23 Aprile è appena dietro l’angolo. State attenti, comprate il libro e la rosa, celebrate la Festa della Cultura in Maiuscola!

4 ago 2023


 El rosa que t'enyora

No són les teves mirades ni el teu somriure les que evoquen el teu record. No són les teves paraules ni les teves abraçades les que m’evadeixen del present. És la teva presència, aquell impuls elèctric que endreça la meva esquena quan tu ets a prop. És la teva persona la que mai m’abandona i il·lumina els meus ulls. És la mar la que silencià els teus crits del passat i se’n va endur totes les copinyes que vaig guardar. Ara ric mirant la mar que guarda els teus ulls, tombada sobre l’arena nua mirant el cel que va ser teu. Ara espero que al meu costat sigui la teva mà i no fantasmes del meu pensament. Ara espero que la marea pugi i m’arrossegui al fons, on rau ara el teu cor. Riu en Miquel i ara plora, m’abraça i et sent devora, feliç, en pau, content que el nostre amor sigui sincer. Les hores passen i les ones amoïnen, és l'hora d'anar-se'n, però no fins que la pluja esborri tota rastre del dolor i el sol es retiri, deixant el cel rosa que com jo, encara t’enyora.

3 ago 2023



"La Morte è arrivata in città. Vaga per la strada solitaria, senza luce, fredda. La Morte si annoia. Con nostalgia ricorda gli abitanti del quattordicesimo secolo, tutti morirono di peste.

Ci fu un tempo in cui tutto era più facile. La Morte con il suo cavallo giallo, con i suoi tre compagni. Furono il gruppo più trendy dell'epoca, era sufficiente aprire un sigillo e ""voila"", peste nera. Invece ora tutto è molto complicato, bisogna chiedere il permesso, fare pubblicità, essere sui social.

La Morte guarda a sinistra ed entra in una casa. Tutto è silenzio. Lontano si sente una canzone: Voooolare oh, oh...

Sulla tavola della cucina i compiti di un ragazzo: rosa, rosae, rosarum, rosis.

Attraverso la cucina esce in giardino. È pieno di margherite e la Morte ricorda un poema:

Margherita è bella il mare e il vento

porta sottile essenza...

""Se non fossi la Morte sarei stato un grande poeta"", pensa la Morte e passeggia per il giardino

La rosa è rosa, il mare è blu

con questo poema, il naso ti...

2 ago 2023


 Le dragon lecteur

Il était le dernier dragon qui ait existé dans la planète. Elle, était la plus grande chasseresse de dragons. Tous les 23 d’Avril elle fièrement affiché la tête sans vie d’un dragon mais… quand elle trouva le dernier dragon du monde en train de lire tranquillement dans sa grotte, l’amour était plus fort que l’épee et, amoreuse, elle a choisi la plus belle rose du lieu et lui a donné. On dit qu’ils lisent encore en utilisant les petals d'une rose comme signet. 

1 ago 2023


 Rose and the Volcano

She was born loving the Volcano. She used to spend hours admiring it. However, last year, that love turned to fear... 

Happily, one year later, the Volcano was asleep, so she went for a walk with her family, close to the Volcano. And enjoyed it a lot. She admire  a new world, in which the smell of sulfur, ashes or the black color of endless flows are lost in the sea. She felt sadness, fascination and surprise. The new territories created with lava and ashes are as beautiful as they are fragile and dangerous... 

And magically, on the slopes of the Cumbre Vieja Volcano in La Palma, the girl discovered how a rose was beginning to germinate. 

She started to ran with tears in her eyes. She wanted to show her marvellous and brave Rose to her family. 

Her name was Rose and the cycle was closed. His volcano gave her the rose she dreamed so many times... After the chaos, life makes its way... The love won. 

31 jul 2023



L'estança està presidida per una lluna de vidre que penja de la paret. Aferrada al mirall, una vella fotografia amb la instantània d'una mare i una filla. La dona observa l'escena amb enyorança i després s'emmiralla. Porta una samarreta amb una lletra imaginària, dibuixada al mig: la erra del nom matern, Rosa; la erra de rebel·lia; la erra de respecte. No és un ramell de virtuts. Un temps va supeditar l'amor propi a una lleialtat malentesa. Ara, viu en present i sense pors.

28 jul 2023



"La rosa è il simbolo dell'amore, dell'amicizia e del dolore. Ci sono tante leggende intorno a questo fiore, una di esse attribuita a Cupido, che ritiene che la rosa sia nata dal sorriso del dio (le spine sarebbero frecce del dio bambino).

Ha diversi significati dipendendo dal colore : quella rossa significa passione e amore (puro e travolgente), ma la si può regalare in segno di rispetto. Quella rosa simboleggia l'amicizia e l'amore timido dall'inizio di una relazione. Quella bianca significa purezza, innocenza e simpatia. Secondo una leggenda greca, le rose bianche furono create dalla dea Afrodite e nacquero dalla schiuma del mare. Per i celti un cespuglio di rose bianche sulla tomba dei cari simboleggia la pace e la felicità nel mondo oltre. Si racconta anche che nel Cielo tutte le rose erano bianche, ma divennero rosse dalla vergogna quando Dio cacciò via dal Paradiso Adamo ed Eva. In ogni caso la rosa bianca è il classico fiore nuziale e rappresenta virtù e purezza."

27 jul 2023



薔薇の姫* "*カレーンドラ、薔薇の姫*



あるわさ、大学に行く乱雑があります。シバコルンという、新しい 交換留学生は大学に入学します。全部机を並は叫びます。




26 jul 2023


 La rosa e i garofani

"Molto tempo fa, c'e stato un giardino pieno di fiori. Questi, sono stati garofani di tutti i colori: rossi, rosa, bianchi. 

Tra loro, c'e stata una rosa blu. La rosa è stata triste perché nessuno parlava con lei, inoltre, si è sentita diversa dagli altri. Lei ha avuto spine e altri, non le hanno avute, né sono state dello stesso colore.

Un giorno, il giardino è stato visitato da una piccola bambina. Questa, ha guardato la rosa molto tempo e, i garofani non hanno capito il per ché di questo fatto.

La bambina l'ha capito e ha detto a voce alta:"" LE DIFFERENZE SONO QUELLO CHE CI FA BELLI E UNICI"".

Sicome i garofani hanno capito quello che la bambina gli ha detto, hanno iniziato a guardare la bellezza della rosa e, questa, mai più è stata triste."

25 jul 2023



I went to meet him somewhat nervously, it was the first time I had done something like that. I asked her to follow me to my office and she agreed. ""Have a seat"" I said. She put the cell phone in her pocket of her pink jacket and stared at me: ""I'm here because of that idiot of Michael, right?"" ""No doubt his company has caused you trouble"". No more words were needed, we signed the settlement and I asked her to clear her desk. She picked up the photo of last August with Laura and Marc from the desk, and one by one said goodbye to all the staff. When we got home we acted as if nothing had happened.

24 jul 2023



Façades tapissées de suie, bruit de moteurs, flaques épaisses avec un arc-en-ciel d’huile. Dans une fissure sur le ciment, au coin de la Rue de la Désespération, la rose avait crû. 

Inespérée, obstinée, luttant jour après jour contre la poussière et la fumée, elle chatoyait comme le soleil. Les voisins la regardaient étonnés, presque avec vénération, sa volonté d’être les laissaient perplexes.

Un jour, les yeux ont regardé le trottoir et ils virent seulement la fissure et ils devinrent gris, vitreux. Personne ne savait quelle fut sa fin. 

Peut-être un amant passait vers un rendez-vous urgent avec l’amour et il la prit.

Peut-être une fille l’effeuillait lorsqu’elle eut découvert douloureusement l’absence de l’autre, sachant qu’elle devait perdre. 

Peut-être le maire la trouvée révolutionnaire, turbulente et il l’a renversée avec son camion. 

Ou la brise chaleureuse d’un soir, en plier le coin, se prit ses feuilles sèches, ses graines avides chemin d’une autre fissure, d’un autre monde. 

21 jul 2023


 The Betrayal of Ava: A Rose's Revenge

Ava loved her roses, but they brought her no joy after her husband, Matthew, cheated on her with her best friend, Isabella. Ava confronted them, but they denied everything. Consumed by betrayal and heartbreak, Ava planned her revenge.

One evening, Ava invited Matthew and Isabella over for dinner. After they finished their meal, Ava revealed her plan. She summoned a rose monster that attacked Matthew and Isabella, consuming them.

As Ava watched the rose monster devour her former loved ones, she realized too late that her beloved roses had been controlling her all along. She had been consumed by their vengeful spirit, and now, she too would fall prey to their power.

As she felt the thorns of the roses pierce her skin, Ava knew that her own fate was sealed. The roses continued to bloom, claiming another victim in their cycle of vengeance.

20 jul 2023



I was very young and one day returning from school I found a very small cat in the street. From that moment we had many adventures for 17 long years. I often carried  the little cat  with me in my bag and also in my car. Everyone knew her. 

I still remember when, with a lot of effort, she managed to get on my bed and before falling asleep forever, she looked at me for the last time with her beautiful blue eyes. Her name was Sheyla and she was my best friend.

I buried her in the garden of the my house and right there, after about a year, a wonderful plant was born that made a beautiful PINK flower. 

Even today, every year it blooms again, right in Spring .

I'm sure it's her essence that transforms. 

19 jul 2023


 A piece of advice

"There she was, getting ready for her meeting, in front of her large mirror. Until she came.

- What are you looking at!

- …

- Oh, really?! You’re just going to stay muted like always? Like nothing happened?

- …

- Is it me? I guess you’re not responding because I’m neither enough for you nor for your magnificent future, which is made up with soft and expensive fabrics. Neither for your frantic trips. I'm not even good enough to appear on your online broadcasts, because your reality is not appealing. Then, what are you actually showing your viewers?

- …

- Your existence is disgusting. Don't you see it?! Can’t you even look at me? Can you get rid of that tool?

- …

- I shouldn't have lost my time with this. You're lost into that device. Now that you're addicted to it, you'll continue feeding that addiction. I guess I never truly knew you.

After this monologue she turned around, slammed the door and left behind the pink mirror in which she was reflecting her monstrous fear: her reality."

18 jul 2023


 Follia Rosa

"Questa storia ebbe inizio quando all´improvviso mi resi conto che fui rinchiusa in un´istituzione psichiatrica, allora la chiamavano ` asilo per lunatici ´. Motivo rappresentato sull´informe della cosidetta struttura: ` Paziente con quadro schizofrenico acuto transitorio  allega di avere stretti rapporti con il colore rosa´.

Pensai: - Ma dov´è finita la categoria del senso comune?

Dintorni! Nebbie! Mica mi sto lasciando stringere dalle mani della Certa!

Perché il colore rosa poteva essere facilmente letta e collegata alla più fragile delle follie?

All´epoca tutti avevamo deliri che assumevano certe forme! E allora?

Mi sentii così ineffabile in quella situazione che decisi di chiudere con il Rosa.

Anni dopo, una volta dimessa, mi fu detto che ero addirittura daltonica!"

17 jul 2023


 It was just a season

beginning of winter

It was cloudy. My grandmother’s hair was greasy; I had to use four pumps of shampoo to clean it properly. I used to enjoy her silvery hair when I was little, it shined like a jewel in the sun. I took her mane of now white hair and brushed it carefully. She touched my hand and whispered something that I could not hear. She had a beautiful garden, with flowers that bloomed in every season. I used to hide from everyone behind her while she was pruning her trees; I felt protected and somehow bigger. I took her out of the bathtub and wrapped her under a rough towel. It was cold so we took a soup for lunch, lit the fireplace and shared an orange. 

ending of winter

It was still cloudy. Grayish days. Tiny snowflakes making circles turned into thin layers of snow. There was a brief lull so I decided to step out of my house and shovel the snow off my entryway. I dug into some bushes, and there it was, a single rose. I could hear my neighbors' children playing. I felt her.

14 jul 2023


 Восьмого чуда света

"Когда Жанна говорила, что у неё была очень интересная работа, никто не подозревал, что она занималась кражей предметов искусства. В детстве, когда девочка осиротела, ей пришлось столкнуться с большими трудностями, и единственной возможностью выжить для неё стали кражи. Жанна начала воровать самое необходимое: еду, одежду... 

Когда ей исполнилось двадцать лет, девушка стала воровать предметы искусства и драгоценности. Пять лет спустя она достигла вершины своей карьеры и превратилась в самую известную грабительницу в мире искусства. 

Её карьера закончилась раньше времени, после того как во время кражи в известной французской галерее, раньше времени сработала сирена и на сигнал приехала полиция. В ту ночь она не смогла украсть знаменитый бриллиант в форме розы, найденный в Ботсване. Но Жанна решила не сдаваться и украсть бриллиант ""Восьмое чудо света"", как только выйдет из тюрьмы."

13 jul 2023










12 jul 2023


 Un momento magico

Era un giorno come gli altri.  Ho camminato nei boschi vicino a casa mia.  Ho visto una porta rossa e ho voluto aprirla.  Non ho pensato che mi avrebbe portato in un posto così meraviglioso.  Mi ha dato la possibilità di ricongiungermi con mia nonna cinque anni dopo la sua morte.

11 jul 2023


 Rosa ist nur eine Farbe

"Der Junge hatte heute Geburtstag. Schon 3 Jahre alt! In der Schule würde er eine riesige Krone bekommen. Die Kronen waren immer aus feiner Pappe, mit Aufklebern dekoriert und dem Alter des Kindes als große Zahl. Die Lehrerin machte alles. Warum? Keine Ahnung. Sticker hinzufügen, das ist nicht kompliziert! Es gab nur eine Sache, die die Kinder wählen konnten: die Farbe der Krone.

- Rosa! Hat er gesagt, echt aufgeregt.

Aber die Lehrerin wusste immer alles besser.

- Nein! Du bist ein Junge und Rosa ist eine Farbe, die nur Mädchen tragen.

Er hat eine orange Krone bekommen, denn orange ist gut für Jungen, das weiß jeder.

Als seine Mutter ihn abgeholt hat, war er eigentlich nicht so zufrieden.

- Mama -hat er gesagt- Rosa ist nur eine Farbe. Nächstes Jahr erzählen wir es der Lehrerin und endlich bekomme ich eine rosa Krone.

Schön, dass Kinder alles so klar sehen. Und dass im folgenden Jahr die neue Lehrerin ihm zugehört hat.

Schade, dass es eine wahre Geschichte ist."

10 jul 2023


 The roses

"Rosa had always loved living on her own. She had a small apartment in the city, and she enjoyed spending her evenings reading books and watching movies.

But one night, when she was ready for bed, she noticed something strange. There was a single rose on her pillow. It was a beautiful pink rose, but Rosa couldn't figure how it had arrived there.

She checked the windows and doors, but everything was locked. There was no sign of anyone, and everything was in its place. Rosa tried to shake off the feeling of uneasiness that she had in her stomach, but she couldn't ignore the strange occurrence. She put the rose in a vase and tried to forget it.

But the next night, when she came home from work, there was another rose on her pillow. This time, it was a deep red colour. She checked the apartment thoroughly over and over again, but no one else was there.

As the nights went by, more roses kept appearing. Each one was a different colour. Rosa started to feel like she was going crazy. "

7 jul 2023



"Temps enrere, un home que es deia Jordi viatjava pel món comerciant amb coses exòtiques. Un dia es va aturar al petit poble de Jericó. Al mercat de vila, una bonica dona envoltada de flors va captar la seva mirada. Jordi va oferir matrimoni a Rosina. Ella va refusar, però va acceptar vendre-li totes les flors.

L’any vinent, quan Jordi va tornar, travessant un dens mant de plantes músties, es va topar amb Rosina que estava tombada a la fresca. Ell volia comprar-li totes les roses per cultivar-les a les terres que adquirí a Espanya, però aquell any no hi va haver collita degut als forts vents. Li va tornar a oferir matrimoni, però Rosina s’havia promès amb el Sr. Mates. Jordi mai hi va tornar.

Anys després, Rosina va veure al mercat un carruatge de roses. El seu home havia mort, així que va demanar al comerciant per anar amb ell a Espanya.

Què va ser primer la rosa o Rosina? Rosina va ser primer que la rosa, i primer que el llit de roses, la rosa del vents, el roser i Roses a Espanya."

6 jul 2023


 L'enfant et Paris

Le fleuve, la Seine, fait un pas dans Paris.

C'est la ville où le soleil d'été tombe.

Le soleil fait que l'eau ressemble à un miroir où un enfant regarde son visage.

Il pleure quand le soir arrive.

Une personne lui sourit et le console.

Elle s'appelle Rose. Elle lui demande pourquoi tu pleures?

Il répond qu'il attend l'arrivée du printemps.

Alors il court vite et il rit avec l'espoir de rencontrer les fleurs.

5 jul 2023




我是一朵玫瑰但是我在郁金香的地方.这个地方对我不好。 郁金香很简单, 它们都很高兴, 郁金香从不生气

但我不一样. 我有我的想法和感受. 当我生气时,我会变成……黄蜂、刺猬……仙人掌!我不知道为什么我在这 为什么我不可以去法国跟我家在一起

哦!三个西班牙人刚到, 两男一女 他们穿很现代衣服。 他们看到我说“这个太完美了!” 现在我们在马德里,他们正在写一首关于我的歌

4 jul 2023



火よう日にすずきさんとともだちはこうえんにいきました。こうえんに二時間半さんぷをしました。こうえんにはたくさんきれいなはながありました。すずきさん は 大きいばらを見ました。すずきさんは山田さんを見たかったです。山田さんはいけなば ができます 。山田さんははなが大すきです。こうえんに人々がいました。でも、すずきさんは山田さんを見ませんでした。山田さんはすずきさんのがっこうにいきます。すずきさんは山田さんとともだちになりたいです、山田さんはきれいですから。

きのうはがっこうで山田さんと話しました。すずきさんは とてもたのしかったです。山田さん はすずきさんに山田さんのしゅみを言いました。山田さんのしゅみはおもしろいです。しゅみはえいが見ることです。山田さんはおんがくも聞くのが大すきです。すずきさんはピアノをひくことができます。山田さんはピアノをひくことがあまりできません。でも、山田さんはべんきょうしたいです。すずきさんは山田さんとピアノをひきたいです。あしたいっしょにべんきょうしたいです。すずきさんはとてもたのしいです。あした すずきさんは大きいばらを  山田さんに かいたいです。すずきさんと山田さんはこうえんにいきます。いっしょにはなを見ます。すずきさんは山田さんが大すきですから。いまうちですずさんはともだちとロマンチックなおかがくお聞きます。ともだちは 「ラブ・イズ・イン・ザ・エア」を 言います。

3 jul 2023

Bon estiu!




Nel cielo si vedevano piccoli ma vibranti punteggi di colori: viola, arancioni, verdi, gialli, azzurri, blu, rosso e tanti altri. Le mongolfiere indicavano l’inizio della primavera e Bianca lo sapeva. Di fronte al computer del suo ufficio, e guardando dalla finestra, voleva uscire, andare via, scappare, respirare l’aria calda della stagione e sentirsi libera. Sapeva che presto sarebbe andata in campagna e non poteva più aspettare. Se chiudeva gli occhi, poteva sentire l'odore della natura, soprattutto quello di ogni rosa che arredava il vaso del salotto della casa familiare e che profumava tutta la stanza. Quanto lo amava. E così, immersa nei suoi pensieri, un sottile sorriso di sollievo si è disegnato e, più leggera, ha continuato a lavorare.

30 jun 2023


 "Avui no estic inspirat com per escriure res mínimament interessant. El temps passa i no se m'acudeix ni tan sols una frase que pugui servir per captar l'atenció del lector. Estic completament en blanc. És cert que se sent pànic per la síndrome del full en blanc. Pànic per si mai més pots tornar a escriure qualque cosa que als teus lectors els faci sentir bé o malament, és igual, que els faci sentir. Por de no tornar a publicar res que pugui ser publicable. Por d'haver mort per dedins, de tornar-se sec de paraules, d'idees que transmetre als altres i que aquests acceptin com si fos un dogma. Por de no tornar a ser ningú.

Se suposa que soc un geni, un ésser excepcional que és capaç de posar negre sobre blanc els seus pensaments més complexes de tal manera que els entengui un nin de 6 anys, se suposa que mai he de tenir problemes per transmetre allò que vull. I jo també ho pensava, això, o m'ho creia, m'ho havien fet creure. Quan em podré desfer d'aquesta màscara rosa i tornar a ser jo?"

29 jun 2023


 Cherry Blossom

"I'm in my eighties. I look no more to the future. I usually look to my past.

The most wonderful  image I have is a street full of Cherry Trees. I called this street ""The pink street"". A cherry tree has got beautiful pink blossom.

When I was a child I used to go to this street whith my brother Dan and my parents. It was a long pedestrian street with no danger. It was amazing cicling while watching the coloured pink blossoms. We felt the freedom in our youth.

Now I go there for a walk every day with my grandchildren. I love watching  their faces and how they are feeling in this street.

I never thought how magicat can be a place and how this place can be an inspiration un your life and how is cappable to remove in a second your stressful and anxiety in only a second."

28 jun 2023


 Die Rosen werden verwelken, aber die Dornen werden bleiben.

Als die kleine Katja an einem Frühlingstag durch den Garten spazierte, entdeckte sie eine wunderschöne Rose. Katja konnte ihren Blick nicht von der Rose abwenden und beschloss, sie zu pflücken und ihrer Mutter zu schenken. Doch als sie die Blume berührte, stach sie sich an einem Dorn und begann zu weinen. Ihre Mutter tröstete sie und erklärte ihr, dass die Rose zwar schön ist, aber auch ihre Dornen hat. Die Jahre vergingen und Katja wurde älter. Eines Tages traf Katja einen Mann. Er war charmant, klug und witzig, und Katja verliebte sich Hals über Kopf in ihn. Doch irgendwann begann Er sich zu verändern. Er wurde immer eifersüchtiger und kontrollierender und Katja fing an, Angst vor ihm zu haben. Sie erkannte, dass Er wie eine Rose mit Dornen war - schön, aber auch gefährlich. Katja beschloss, sich von Er zu trennen und ihr eigenes Leben zu leben. Und wenn sie heute eine Rose sieht, erinnert sie sich nicht nur a die Schönheit, sondern auch a die Wichtigkeit, auf die Dornen zu achten.

27 jun 2023


 "Die Liebe wie eine gepflegte Rose"

Helga, eine alleinstehende Frau, pflegte mit viel Liebe und Sorgfalt ihren wunderschönen Rosen Garten. Eines Tages traf sie Klaus, der von der Schönheit ihrer Rosen begeistert war. Klaus bot an, ihr beim Gartenarbeiten zu helfen und sie arbeiteten gemeinsam daran, die Rosen zu pflegen. Dabei verliebten sie sich ineinander und Klaus brachte Helga eine Rose als Geschenk. Sie nannten eine besondere Rose "Liebesrose", die zum Symbol ihrer Liebe wurde. Jedes Mal, wenn sie im Garten arbeiteten, fühlten sie sich glücklich und erfüllt. Sie wussten, dass ihre Liebe wie eine Rose war, die gepflegt werden musste, aber wenn man sie mit Liebe und Sorgfalt behandelte, würde sie immer weiter blühen und gedeihen.

26 jun 2023


 Unexpected joy

She had been wandering the rose garden for hours, their thoughts lost in the colourful flowers growing in each bush. When she visited that place, she had no clue about what was going on outside the walls of the backyard. It had been a whirlwind long week that had left her exhausted and in need of a well-deserved rest.

Willing to disconnect from this world, she lay down among the shrubs feeling the fresh lawn under her hands, and closed her eyes. No sooner had she started losing consciousness of her body than a little bird perched on her shoulder chirping loudly, calling for her attention. She was first frightened by the animal, then amazed by its confidence, and finally curious about its insistence. Its tiny vivacious eyes staring at her seemed to be trying to say something.

Suddenly, the songbird flew away, leaving behind a vibrant trail. She was feeling awful that day but, after that unexpected visit, she felt hope. Undoubtedly, even in the worst days there was a possibility for joy.

23 jun 2023


 Une invitation très spéciale

J’ai l’habitude de cuisiner du ragoût de lentilles tous les jeudis en hiver et chaque fois que je le fais j’évoque un souvenir de mon enfance.

Quand j’étais petite, je suis allée dans une école primaire publique à la périphérie de Bs. As. Un jour j’ai été invitée à manger chez une camarade de classe après l’école. Je me souviens qu’elle était très excitée parce que c’était la première fois qu’elle amenait une amie chez elle.

À cette époque-là, je vivais dans un quartier populaire et modeste mais où les maisons étaient faites de ciment et de briques. Je pensais que sa maison était comme la mienne. Cependant, cette fille vivait dans une cabane en tôle sur un sol en terre battue. Quand nous sommes arrivées, sa mère nous a accueillies avec un sourire et un bol de ragoût de lentilles.

Je n’oublierai jamais le visage heureux de cette fille.  Ce jour-là, elle a vu la vie en rose et j’ai reçu une leçon d’humilité. C’est un souvenir dont je me souviendrai toujours.

22 jun 2023


 春花 "昨天我不舒服。我头疼,我不知道为什么可是我不想去医院。因为我不想去看病所以我去了散步。 



- 你也喜欢玫瑰花吗?


- 是的,我非常喜欢它们。

- 春花是漂亮


21 jun 2023


 薔薇の教え "あの日の授業はまだ終わらなかったけど、静香は智子さんと話していました。先生は「静かにして下さい」と言っていました。皆さんは笑いました。静香は何時も何処でも誰かと話していました。授業の時、隣の座る人と話しました。家でお母さんやお父さんや弟と話しました。誰もと話せない時、薔薇と話しました。静香は話しすぎましたから、ほかの人はあまり何も言えませんでした。皆さんは「静香と話すのがめんどくさい」と思っていました。その為に、寂しかったです。







20 jun 2023



Una goccia di luce rivela il positivo attraverso i fori delle stecche cieche. È già giorno. La sveglia non è ancora suonata. Irene apre gli occhi. I suoi occhi stupiti. Continua a non credere. Ma almeno adesso ha una risposta e l'ambiguità con cui si è comportato Andrea, ha smesso di darle le vertigini e di confondersi con le viscere. Incredulo, scettico, ateo, anzi agnostico, di quel dio che ha lasciato solo all'altare, e ha ritirato il suo sguardo adorante. Irene sbatte le palpebre. Alza le mani e vi disegna dei tatuaggi solari che riflettono sul muro improbabili ombre cinesi, senza colori verde, rosa, azurro. L'impossibilità di dare credito alle parole di Andrea si diffonde nelle cellule del suo corpo, in ogni sistole, come un'onda che va, in ogni diastole, come un'onda che arriva, attraverso le sue arterie, toc-toc, toc-toc toc-toc. Ecco perché ha deciso di non guardarlo piú. Sbatte. È ancora presto, e non puo crederci. Per questo ha deciso di non vedere più Andrea. Perché ha visto una discrepanza tra il suo atteggiamento e le sue parole. Cosa abbiamo vissuto ognuno di noi in tutto questo tempo?Si chiede Irene. Non ha disolto l’equivoco come un camminatore e navigatore di dubbi che si schianta contro l'autostrada delle idee chiare di Irene.

Oltre le tapparelle si stanno già schiarendo le luci del nuovo giorno come una mano aperta. Irene sbatte le palpebre per eliminare il sonno che le si aggroviglia dietro gli occhi, che la pungono come formiche operose, concentrato e indolente. Il sonno che i ragazzi tolgono alle ragazze finché non prendono una decisione. E Irene in questa notte che si infrange contro l'aurora ha deciso di smettere di guardarlo.

Abbassa le braccia e cerca il suo cellulare. Tra i messaggi di vari gruppi e altri più personali, ce n'è uno di Andrea. Controlla l'ora e vede che gli è stato inviato all'alba. Con quello che legge, Irene si emoziona di nuovo.

È già giorno. La sveglia non è ancora suonata. Una goccia di luce svela il negativo e passa appena attraverso i fori delle lamelle della tenda.

19 jun 2023


 Le souvenir d'une rose

"La rose, symbole d'amour et de passion.

Aussi, accompagnée d'épines advertissant que

l'amour n'est pas un chemin facile.

C'est ce que rappelait Agathe

tout en sentant mélancoliquement les roses

qui se trouvent dans les jardins de Paris.

Un amour caché qui ne pouvait pas être,

une illusion brisée par peur de ce qu'ils diront.

Une route rocailleuse

que l'amour ressenti par leurs âmes

ne pouvait surmonter.

Pression, douleur, anxiété.

Ce sont des sentiments qui n'ont pas disparu

malgré le passage du temps.

Ce qui est certain, c'est qu'Agathe,

après 30 ans de cet amour,

n'a pas oublié cette personne

qu'elle manque encore.

Dans l'obscurité de la nuit, elle se demande:

"Et si j'avais ouvert la boîte de Pandore?"

Sûrement, le soleil continuerait à se lever à l'horizon,

comme il le fait toujours.

Et maintenant, elle saurait ce qu'aurait été cette idylle

qui devait s'éteindre.

Pendant ce temps, jour après jour, 

elle meurt d'amour.

Enfermée dans une société

où elle n'a pas sa place."

16 jun 2023


 La força del silenci

Va obrir la porta amb una rosa a la mà, i el silenci que hi havia a l'habitació li va cridar molt l'atenció. Tothom va mirar-lo però ningú no va dir res.

No es podia imaginar, de cap manera, què havia passat allà. Ara es trobava a un lloc on ningú no parlava i el silenci era molt agobiant.

De sobte, una de les dones grans va començar a plorar. La dona que estava al seu costat li va fer una abraçada molt forta, però els seus laments van continuar.

Es trobava molt sorprès per la situació i va intentar parlar amb ella per poder calmar-la, i llavors va veure que hi havia molta de gent darrere les persones de l'habitació i es va adonar que era a un teatre! La gent no era a una habitació! Eren a un escenari.

Va respirar profundamente i va girar cap a la porta i se’n va anar sense dir res. Va sentir com la gent aplaudia...

15 jun 2023


 My little big daughter

I can barely believe it. The Happy Birthday song is starting. We are on the brink of living an essential moment. I gaze at you and ponder: What you do not know is the sheer cheerfulness that I felt when I glimpsed you. Not only was I on cloud nine, but also, I felt panic-stricken.

Never before had I looked after a baby and, all of a sudden, I became a mother. You were a preterm baby. You were too tiny. You could not be dressed in your mini pink cotton pajama. At this time, that all is over, I strongly deem, that something adverse would ensue to you.

The melody is ending, and you had better blow out the candles and make a wish, be that as it may, you are not able to do it. You are nothing but a one-year girl. I, mentally, make it for you: This is not just wishful thinking; In this day and age that you are competently fine, that we could triumph over all adversities, I want you to be elated and never lose that smile that gives meaning to my life. I love you, my baby! Happy birthday!

14 jun 2023


 Decaying life

Like a clumsy princess, you stepped into my life, and now the least I want is for you to leave. I wish I could be like princes from fairy tales – those who can save their princesses from eternal sleep. 

Nevertheless, as the rose started decaying and the petals vanished, I knew that soon you would be gone. Nothing could stop the time that was taking your soul away. Please tell me, how can I stop it from doing so? As the sky turned darker, I felt my heart being filled with nothing but pain. Like an empty canvas being painted until there wasn’t any place left. 

The world shattered around me when I saw the colors fading within those gorgeous eyes. I still remember how they used to hold the whole universe as if it were possible to find all the deepest beauties inside. 

“My darling, our story doesn’t end here. I promise, I will keep our memories safely with me even after the day I am no longer able to remember my own name. Because you taught me to love, and I will love you forever.”

13 jun 2023


 الوردة والغراب

و قالت الوردة: أنا النور،انا الشمس والنافورة.

انا عندي الطيور والفراشات.

انا الصمت والهدوء.

قال الغراب: أنا الظلام والقمر.

انا عندي الليل والريح.

انا الرسالة والرسول.

و هكذا ولدت الحروف الشمسية والحروف القمرية.

بسم الله.

12 jun 2023


 The Bear

This happened three years ago, when Antònia and Rose -her best friend- were climbing a mountain in Alaska. 

Suddenly, when they had arrived at the top of the mountain, they realized that an angry and hungry white bear was running towards them. Luckily for Antònia, she is much faster than Rose. 

In the ends, the bear just wanted to follow another animal that was behind Rose.

9 jun 2023


 Die Rose auf dem Meer

Es war ein sonniger Tag im Frühling und Lisa beschloss, zum ersten Mal aufs Meer zu segeln. Sie war aufgeregt und nervös zugleich, da sie noch nicht viele Erfahrungen auf dem Wasser hatte.

Sie mietete ein kleines Segelboot und machte sich bereit, in See zu stechen. Während sie segelte, bemerkte sie eine wunderschöne Rose, die im Wasser trieb. Sie hielt das Boot an und nahm die Rose aus dem Wasser.

Sie war überrascht, dass die Rose immer noch so schön aussah, obwohl sie offensichtlich schon eine Weile im Wasser gewesen war. Lisa beschloss, die Rose mitzunehmen und sie als Andenken an diesen besonderen Tag aufzubewahren.

Als sie zurück an Land kam, hielt sie die Rose immer noch in der Hand und lächelte. Sie wusste, dass sie das Meer liebte und dass sie immer wieder zurückkehren würde. Die Rose würde sie immer an diesen besonderen Tag erinnern.

8 jun 2023


 The Reencounter


   The vase is nothing but fragmented pieces of glass. The roses and the water which used to be inside of it are splitted on the floor. 

   Kenneth is tumbling and shouting while Talia is shouting more and closing the door. 

   Thomas is- 

   Thomas is bleeding. The back of his head is bleeding while he falls to the ground. 

   As my fingers type the police contact, I run to him but I can’t hold all of his weight. Making both of us end up on the floor. The collar of his shirt is a red stain. 

   “Look at me. Thomas, look at me!” I can’t control my voice tone. I am in pure hysteria. He blinks several times. His eyelashes flap but the action gets sloppier. 

   He tries to move. “Don’t even try it”, I warn him, touching his face with one hand, while the other makes pressure on the wound. His eyes go shut. I repeat his name. It isn’t until the third time that he opens them and says: “Miah?” And then  something else breaks behind me. 

    “911, what’s your emergency?”

7 jun 2023


 RISQUE (inspiré de faits réels)

Il y a quelques années j'ai fait un voyage à Londrès pour apprendre anglaise et pour avoir des jours de vacances. J'ai partagé une maison dans un quartier de la ville avec un couple très sympa. Tous les matins, j'allais à classe d'anglaise et tous les soirs j'allais faire la randonnée.

Un jour, pendant que je faisais la randonnée je me suis fermé dans un parc pour me reposer. Londrès a des parcs magnifiques pleins de fleurs. Une précieuse rose m'a attiré l'attention. Il y avait une petite abeille autour d'elle.

J'adore observer le ciel bleu et les formes capricieuses qui font les nuages quand elles se déplacent. Incroyablement ce jour,  le soleil brillait dans toute sa splendeur. Je suis resté choqué quand j'ai vu deux avions très proche l'un de l'autre. J'ai pensé que parfois il avait été seulement un effet visuel, mais le soir pendant que je suis en train de dîner avec sa famille en regardant le BBC, la présentatrice a rapporté que deux avions ont failli s'écraser en plein vol.

6 jun 2023


 A mi padre

Le gustaba mucho mandar, le sentaba muy bien además, los amigos de sus hijos lo llamaban “el General”.

Era un hombre del rostro muy duro, casi nunca sonreía.

No obstante, yo sentía que solo era una mascara, un mecanismo de defensa para proteger sus limites físicos y emocionales.

La nuestra era una relación de padre y hija sin serlo.

Un día me contó  que años atrás había hecho algo muy deplorable.

Le pregunté si quisiera soltarlo.

Aquel día que me habló de eso, estaba tumbado en una cama de hospital, esperando dar el paso al más allá.

“No falta mucho”, pensaba sintiéndome triste y desconsolada.

“¿Estás seguro que no me lo quieres contar?” 

“Acércate cielo..El día que muera” me dijo con una voz muy débil, “no quiero nada mas que una sola flor en mis manos, que representa lo que ha dado más sentido a mi vida, y que nunca tuve el coraje de declarar al mundo por cobardía”.

Así fue. 

Por primera vez le vi una sonrisa en su cara. 

Le pusieron una rosa roja.

Era yo su secreto.


5 jun 2023



“You can do it”, the voice said.

I yelled at her, “No, I can’t. I cannot do it.The fear is paralysing me, I feel my heart is stopping beating, my muscles are making inert, I can’t breathe!”.

She continued insisting. “Search in your mind positive thoughts, just look for them inside you”.

I breathed deeply and I could find one. Maybe there is a chance, I thought.

The voice whispered, “The moment has come. Maintain that beautiful thought, don't let others win, and now follow the pink line, I’ll be waiting for you”.

I did it. The line turned into a path where I could see how the grass grew around me and the dew drops dampened my naked feet. An avenue of trees towered by my side. The essence of nature invaded my entire being.

And there she was, waiting for me. I recognized her perfectly.

""We can do it together”, she affirmed.

Finally, the positive voice of my mind rose up among the others.

All of a sudden someone in the room said my name aloud. 

I was already prepared.

2 jun 2023


 El robatori de la vuitena meravella del món

Quan Joana deia que tenia un treball molt interessant, ningú mai no imaginava que seria com a lladre d’art. De petita, va haver de sobreviure en un món hostil tota sola, ja que era òrfena de pare i de mare, de l’única manera possible: el furt. Va començar robant l'essencial per sobreviure: menjar, roba…

No va ser fins que va complir vint anys que va començar a especialitzar-se en art i en joieria. Cinc anys després, va assolir el clímax de la seva carrera, convertint-se en una de les lladres més famoses del món.

Això i tot, la seva carrera va acabar de manera sobtada quan, durant un robatori a una galeria prestigiosa francesa, l'alarma va avisar a la policia abans de temps. No va aconseguir el seu propòsit de la nit que consistia a robar un diamant trobat a Botswana que estava tallat naturalment en forma de rosa. Tanmateix, na Joana no es rendia fàcilment i es va proposar tornar a dur a terme el furt del diamant, anomenat la vuitena meravella del món, quan sortís de la presó.

1 jun 2023













「別れたら幸せになれる?」 リキは「いいえ」と答えた その日以来、サラがリキの世話をしたように、リキとサラはいつもデ・ラ・ロサの世話をすることになった.

31 may 2023



Dopo la  terribile diagnosi, lei ha dovuto dire addio con dolore ad alcuni suoi attributi. Innanzitutto al suo seno destro. Dopo due mesi alla sua preziosa chioma castana. Infine alle sue ciglie e sopracciglie. La sua autostima femminile è rimasta accoltellata.   

   Nuda nel bagno, senza trucco, parrucca né reggiseno, evitava gli specchi o si guardava con la coda dell'occhio. 

   Senza fiducia in se stessa, invidiava tutte le donne che vedeva per la strada: i loro capelli, la loro scollatura, i loro sguardi simpatici, le trovava belle e attraenti; invece lei…

   Ma il giorno di San Valentino ha ricevuto la sua rosa rossa come al solito ogni anno.

   Senza dubbio questa volta ha fatto bene di andare dal fioraio e farsi coccolare.

30 may 2023


 Comme fanent les roses

 On me dit que nos vies ne valent pas grand chose. Elles passent en un instant comme fanent les roses” chantait-elle en même temps qu’elle rangeait la cuisine. La rose a toujours été sa fleur préférée, c'est pour ça que je lui en ai souvent offert. Et pourtant, ça passe vite, comme disait la chanson.

J’adorais la regarder car elle était la plus belle femme du monde. J’étais toujours amoureux de ses mouvements doux et de son sourire éclatant, que malheureusement elle faisait de moins en moins. Même, quelquefois, une larme coulait sur sa joue.

J’aimerais tellement la réconforter !

J’aimerais tellement la serrer fort dans mes bras !

J’aimerais tellement l’embrasser !

Bref, j’aimerais tellement être encore vivant…

29 may 2023


 Raig d'esperança

S’aixecà del llit arrossegant la somnolència de qui ha fet tard el vespre abans. Havia passat la nit en blanc davant un caramull de fulls buits que devia haver emplenat feia temps. Emperò, la seva situació en els darrers mesos no havia estat gens plàcida i la inspiració havia fugit i s’havia amagat a qualque lloc el qual no havia aconseguit esbrinar.

Era el dia de Sant Jordi i, tot i que era un dia molt especial cada any, no sentia l’emoció que solia omplir el seu cos. Sentia devastació, no sabia com podia fer front a la vida d’ençà que ell havia partit per sempre.

El timbre va sonar de sobte i es va dirigir a la porta com si es tractés d’un autòmat. Va agafar el paquet que el repartidor li lliurava i el va obrir sense cap il•lusió damunt la taula de la cuina. Quan va descobrir el que havia dins la capsa, una llàgrima va rodolar per la seva galta. El seu llibre i una rosa eren les úniques reminiscències que ell li havia deixat, i ara li arribaven com si les hagués enviat des del cel.

26 may 2023


 الورود القديمة لدينا

أنا اليومَ اتذكرك. طفولتنا كانت طبيعي جدا, كل شئ فعلناها معاً. في الصباح, بعد الفطور,  التقينا في الشارع وذهبنا إلى المدرسة القفز والضحك.

 بعد المدرسة, كنا نذهب إلى النهر شاهدنا السمك أو يتجول في الحي مع أبناء عمومتنا أو قرأنا  الكتب والدي أو قرأنا  الكتب والدي  التي ألهمتنا.   

كل يوم كان مغامرة, و اعتادوا عليه  تنتهي مع اثنين منا محاطين برائحة الورود من حديقة في المنزلك مع وعد بالمزيد من المرح في اليوم التالي.

أتذكر أنه كان بعد المساء أتجول في السوق. أنت اشتريت فستان أبيض طويل كان يطفوت كلما انت تحركت. كان رقصت خلال في طريق إلى المنزلك.

تحت ورودك توقفنا و في ذلك اليوم تعلمت أن أرى جمالهم الحقيقي بفضل لك. ازدهر حبنا بشدة أكثر مما فعلوا. لكن كل شيء يزهر يومًا ما يذبل. برائحة الورود تأتي أشواكها.

أنت كنت بحاجة لمتابعة قلبك في مكان آخر وأنا تركك تذهب و بهذه الطريقة كان الأمر كذلك دفء أيامنا معًا أفسح المجال لليالي الباردة بدون قمر.

لكن اليوم بينما كنت أسير في حينا ، أعادتك الورداتنا الحبياتنا برائحتها إلي. إنهم يعلمونني اليوم أن الحب لا ينتهي ما دام لدينا ذاكرته.

25 may 2023


 “Was ist Rosa?”

“Was ist Rosa?” fragt eine Person:

“Rosa ist meine Lieblingsfarbe, nein, Grün ist meine Lieblingsfarbe, nein, Orange…” sagt ein Kind,

“Rosa ist eine Blume, ups, nein, das ist Rose, mit E” antwortet eine Oma,

“Rose ist meine Blume” fügt der Kleine Prinz hinzu.

“Rosa ist die Farbe von der Liebe” beantwortet ein Dichter,

“Flamingos sind rosa” erwidert das Mädchen,

“Rosa ist die Farbe von dem Himmel am Sonnenaufgang” sagt ein Freund,

“Einige Blumen sind rosa” sagt der Junge.

Rosa ist ein Wort, Rosa ist eine Farbe, Rosa kann viele Sachen bedeuten.

24 may 2023



Long ago, a man called Wrodion used to travel around the world, trading with exotic things. One day he stopped by a small village known as Rhódon. In the town market, a beautiful woman surrounded by colorful plants caught his eyes. Wrodion offered Primrose marriage. She rejected but sold him all her flowers.

Next year, when Wrodion returned through a thick blanket of withered plants, he came across Primrose who was lying as good as gold. He told her to buy all her roses to grow them in the land he got in Spain, but there were no rose on sale because of the climate change and strong winds. Again, he offered her marriage, but Primrose had engaged with Mr. Bush. Wrodion saddened never went back there.

Years later, Primrose saw a carriage of roses at the market. Her husband died years before of COBI-91, so she asked the dealer to go with him to Spain.

What come first the rose or the primrose? This came before the rose and before the rose bed, the wind rose, the rosebush and Roses in Spain.

23 may 2023



Era 1987 y Ana, una chica de los EE. UU de años, tenía que volar a Grecia como estudiante de intercambio.  Era su primer viaje fuera del país.  Cuando llegó al pueblo. No había nadie para recogerla. Estuvo 2 h frente a una tienda cerrada. Se sentía angustiada. ¿Y si nadie viniera a buscarla?, pensó. Por fin llegó la hermana anfitriona. Cuando llegaron a casa toda la familia estaba de luto vestida de negro porque el abuelo había fallecido recientemente. Ana se sentía incómoda porque el momento de su llegada claramente no era el ideal. Mientras velaban el ataud, un camión con un altavoz pasó lentamente por delante de la casa. El conductor gritaba ¡Karpouzia! en griego.  En ese momento, un gran melón verde se cayó del camión, se abrió de golpe, su pulpa madura se esparció por todo el camino con el color rosa por todas partes. Fue la primera palabra griega que aprendió, sandía.

22 may 2023


 L'amor no mor mai.

Cada diumenge el veien al cementiri amb una rosa. No hi faltava mai. Era ben curiós! Tothom xiuxiuejava al voltant però mai ningú s’atreví a dir-li res. Era un home gran i semblava tan gelós de la seva rosa! Els més intrèpits llegiren la llosa on figurava el nom d’una dona i una data: 16 de setembre de 1938. Molt ha plogut de llavors ençà!

Però vet aquí que un dia un al·lotet s’atreví a fer-li la pregunta que tothom es feia: A qui li duu vostè una rosa cada setmana? L’home, amb serenor, li respongué: Li duc a la dona més important de ma vida! Em va deixar sense haver-la conegut. 

Si no la coneixia, perquè se l’estima tant? -Preguntà encuriosit el pardal.

-Perquè va ser ma mare. Va donar la vida per tenir-me a mi. 

-Les mamàs moren? -Digué  llavors el petit a punt de plorar. 

-Malauradament, estimat amiguet. -Respongué el vell.

El nen va córrer, cames ajudeu-me, per omplir a besades la seva mare que el mirava plena de tendresa, plena d’amor.

19 may 2023


A summer adventure

That July afternoon, Joan and Beth were walking to reach The Siren's cave where the gang was swimming. After treading along a stony path, they discovered  another cavern and decided to explore it. When they reached a cavity, they went sliding down a slippery slope and got  trapped.  

“Nobody knows we’re here. We should have gone  with the gang”, said Beth.

“Let's find the way out!”, encouraged Joan.

Meanwhile, Kate was looking after her brothers in The Siren's cave. 

“I’m not a nanny. I said to mum I wouldn’t take charge of those naugthy twins!” Kate was telling Rose Mary, her best friend.

Suddenly, the sisters appeared there through the cave’s tunnel.They took off their clothes showing their pink swimsuits and jumped into the sea.

Finally, they went swimming like beautiful fishes towards Kate.

“Hi, Kate, we’re sorry to be late. Can we stay with you?” They asked nicely.

“First, you must promise that you’ll behave well”,  she answered .

“Oh, yeah! we promise”,  they said cheerfully.

18 may 2023



We love “Historias para no dormir”. The last we watched was an episode called ""Asfalto"", performed by Dani Rovira. It was about a boy that is being absurdly swallowed by the ground.

She never wants roses, nor presents, for Saint Valentine’s Day. She enjoys guided tours, excursions and trips. Our last trip was a week ago. 

We flew to Köln, in Germany. It was a short trip, less than a week, enough to disconnect. Two days before coming back, we saw the news: Palma was under one of those dangerous storms that are baptized with female names: 'Juliette'. The floor was breaking due to the energy of wild waters. Huge holes had appeared on the streets, in Avingudes, Passeig Marítim, etc. The mountains were covered by snow again. We understood that we should never abandon our island. It was our compromise: take always care of it. 

When we arrived here again, some workers were repairing the damaged streets. Those holes reminded me ""Asfalto"". Perhaps it wasn't so absurd after all!

17 may 2023


 L'abraçada del Baobab.

Somio amb un arbre enorme, és un Baobab carregat de fulles en moviment. Les seves arrels semblen desprendre's del terra i les seves branques són immenses.

Camí cap al Baobab ia cada pas que faig l'arbre creix, s'eleva i jo m'elevo també.

Al meu somni les branques del Baobab s'acosten a mi, m'envolten i m'abracen, llavors tot desapareix al meu voltant.

Em desperto i l'arbre del meu somni m'acompanya durant tot el dia. Hi ha moments on tot va molt de pressa i em falta l'alè, és com si el Baobab m'abracés molt fort i no pogués respirar, llavors tanco els ulls i tot desapareix, recupero el meu alè i l'abraçada deixa d'estrènyer i quan obro els ulls veig les coses més fàcils d'un bonic color rosa.

16 may 2023





- 真相是由三种颜色组成的. 红色就像我们体内的血液和白如云,一起赋予粉红般的美。


- 颜色可以是冷色还是暖色?


- 是的。颜色有互补性。


15 may 2023



Prima di entrare guardò dietro ai vetri opachi della nobile porta vestita di stanchi strati di vernice. Si compose il viso e il corpo e si dette un leggero pizzicotto sulle guance. Percorse con lo sguardo tutto quello che la disordinata vetrina non voleva offrire.

Posò la sua mano sulla spessa maniglia di bronzo ed aprì senza forza provocando il rumore del cartello dell'orario e il frusciare delle piastrelle.Fissato alle parete l'almanacco del mese di aprile con molti numeri neri e pochi giorni gioiosi

Un ragazzo che comprava tavolette di acquarello mormorò:

 - Guarda è Rosa la ladra di Parole - Olmo l'impiegato fece finta di merito. 

Rosa né abbassò lo sguardo né fece la voce grossa. Aspettò, ed imparò i nomi colorati delle bottigliette inchiostro di  China.  Si dice che quando Rosa scriveva le lettere di quelli che non sapevano leggere né scrivere, lei rubava parole. Rosa comprò ed Olmo avvolsè tutto in un sonoro pacchetto. Rosa, muta conservó i delicati gesti. 

12 may 2023


Ma rose

En marchant vers un endroit perdu près de Son Valls, entre Felanitx et Villafranca, tout près de ce champ semé de fourrage, là où les trous de la route rendent le déplacement difficile, où le mur de pierres sèches se termine en un "portell" où souffle une brise fraîche, a l'ombre du figuier où "es padrí" ne creusera plus jamais, juste là, un vieux et triste rosier a pris place dans le chaume. Il a des troncs tordus pleins d'épines acérées, avec des tiges mortes et d'autres pleines d'insectes affamés. Mais malgré son manque de beauté, le monde n'a pas réalisé ce qu'il a emprisonné. Une timide petite rose naît d'une verte et tendre tige. D'une couleur rose pâle et peu formée. Même com ça, Dieu se souvient toujours de l'habiller à l'aube, avec la rosée qui la baigne et la montre comme renaissante. Et le parfum qu'elle dégage, bien qu'il soit le meilleur du monde, personne ne se souviendra de le sentir.  Mais là, juste là, il y a une rose, juste là, la rose. Juste là se trouve ma rose. 

11 may 2023


 Rosa, rosae, rosam

It is widely known that Lord Perkin Argleton, the twentieth Earl of Glastonbury, always wanted to be a beautiful woman. He had an exquisite taste for women's fashion, a natural elegance in moving among silks, velvets, and damasks, and a queenly bearing. His passion was so great, and his desire to be admired so intense, that he disregarded the advice of his family, friends, and associates and dared to present himself before Queen Elizabeth I dressed as a woman. For the occasion, he wore a bodice, petticoats, and stockings in shocking pink, a rose farthingale, and skirts of a striking fuchsia hue. For his waist, a girdle with pale pink pearls, and his sleeves were decorated with crimson ruffles. He looked like a cherry and sour cream compote cake, with so much rose colour never seen before in the court. Needless to say, the courtiers were astounded, the queen's gaze was terrifying, but Lord Perkin's entrance into the palace, greeting the aristocrats in deep pink taffeta, was triumphant.

10 may 2023


 Eine Rose für die alte Dame

Als der Roboter an der Tür des Zimmers der alten Dame erschien, bedeckte sie ihr Gesicht mit den Händen und schrie entsetzt.

Vor zwei Wochen wurde diese Nachricht veröffentlicht:

Das Bild 24. März 2073

Eine alte Frau wurde von ihrem Pflegeroboter in einem Seniorenheim verletzt. Laut der Frau habe der Roboter, mit dem sie eine gute Beziehung aufgebaut hätte, sie außer Kontrolle attackiert. Einer Sprecherin des Herstellers zufolge würden alle Einheiten dieses hoch entwickelten Modells untersucht, um Fehler in ihrer Software zu entdecken.

Der Roboter kam langsam auf die zitternde Dame zu. Sie konnte kaum atmen… Plötzlich legte er liebenswürdig eine Hand auf ihre Schulter. „Haben Sie bitte keine Angst vor mir. Es tut mir sehr leid, was passiert ist“, sagte er mit beruhigender Stimme. Noch ängstlich hob die Dame den Blick zu den blauen Augen des Roboters. Dann bemerkte sie, dass er eine Rose in der Hand trug. „Für Sie“, bot der Roboter ihr die Blume an. Sie weinte.

9 may 2023


 The hug of the Baobab

I dream of a huge tree, it is a Baobab with moving leaves. Its roots seem to come out of the ground and its branches are immense.

I walk towards the Baobab and with each step I take the tree grows, rises and I rise too.

In my dream the branches of the Baobab come close to me, completely surround me and hug me and then everything around me disappears.

I wake up and the tree of my dream accompanies me throughout the day. There are moments when everything goes very fast and I'm short of breath, it's as if the Baobab hugged me very tightly and I couldn't breathe, then I close my eyes and everything disappears, I catch my breath and the hug stops tightening and when I open my eyes I see things easier in a pretty pink color.

8 may 2023


 La piccola  Sofia

La piccola Sofia gioca sull'erba secca autunnale. Le piace quando l'autunno arriva in città, anche se non sopporte i  colori tristi. Immagina che la primavera sia necessaria in natura. Inizia a camminare  nella vechia parete.

Lei ha paura e non pensa che sia molto pericoloso, ma allora ricorda le storie della sua infanzia che la spaventano. Sono streghe, diavoli e fantasmi.

La sua mente lo avverte: esci di lì! vai a casa tua!

Ma la ragazza è molto curiosa e vuole sapere cosa c'è tra le foglie gialle. 

Segue attentamente un punto rosso. Verifica che accada qualcosa di magico: è la nascita di un fiore... È una rosa.

Sofia perde l'equilibrio, cade, non può muoversi e piange.

Pensa che sua madre la cercherà.

La triste realtà la colpisce duramente. Arrivano i loro genitori. Li abbraccia con gioia. Oh! Finalmente sono arrivati!

Ora i mostri che la tormentavano non ci sono più.

Sofia taglia, abbraccia e bacia la rosa che offrirà a sua nonna . 

Stanotte sognerà giardini rossi e la primavera.

5 may 2023


 Enhorabona a totes les persones participants en el concurs!