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9 may 2023


 The hug of the Baobab

I dream of a huge tree, it is a Baobab with moving leaves. Its roots seem to come out of the ground and its branches are immense.

I walk towards the Baobab and with each step I take the tree grows, rises and I rise too.

In my dream the branches of the Baobab come close to me, completely surround me and hug me and then everything around me disappears.

I wake up and the tree of my dream accompanies me throughout the day. There are moments when everything goes very fast and I'm short of breath, it's as if the Baobab hugged me very tightly and I couldn't breathe, then I close my eyes and everything disappears, I catch my breath and the hug stops tightening and when I open my eyes I see things easier in a pretty pink color.