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21 jun 2020

Devolució material prestat biblioteca

Hem establert un calendari perquè puguis tornar el material prestat a la biblioteca de l'EOI de Palma. Ens trobaràs a una taula a l'entrada de la seu central (EOI Palma, carrer Aragó 59).

Dimarts 23 de juny
de 10 a 12
de 17 a 19

Dijous 25 de juny
de 10 a 12
de 17 a 19

Divendres 26 de juny
de 10 a 12
de 17 a 19

Moltes gràcies i fins aviat

L'equip de la biblioteca de 'EOI de Palma

Hemos establecido un calendario para que puedas devolver el material prestado a la biblioteca de la EOI de Palma. Nos encontrarás en una mesa en la entrada de la sede central (calle Aragón 59)

Martes 23 de junio
de 10 a 12
de 17 a 19

Jueves 25 de junio
de 10 a 12
de 17 a 19

Viernes 26 de juny
de 10 a 12
de 17 a 19

Muchas gracias y hasta pronto

El equipo de la biblioteca de la EOI de Palma

8 jun 2020

Relats publicats

Des de dia 21 d'abril hem publicat, diàriament, els relats guanyadors i els accèssits del II concurs de microrelats biblioteca EOI de Palma.

Moltes gràcies a tots els participants i esperam que hageu gaudit de les històries.

7 jun 2020

Anglès C1. Accèssit. Paula Calvó Garcia

The little maiden came into the courtyard. The branches with roses arisen from her head caused her to be careful when she went through the door. Another little guy was sat there, in a patch of grass, looking at a fluttering butterfly whose role had been sidelined with the girl's entrance. Some of the green leaves hanging from the branches that stretched and bent over the girl’s head were swept away by a gust of chilly wind. He squatted to try to grasp some of them, but suddenly the boy gasped and coughed. A flood of dandelions fled from his mouth through every effort to breathe, whereas all the seeds were scattered into the air. He raised his head as shame gripped him, but she was gazing at him with a grin in her face: all the kids in that place were special, yet they would never become adults.

6 jun 2020

Anglès B2. Accèssit. Adrián Olmo Cerro

This is a real story. Unfortunately, I have grown up in a mixture of feelings between hate and apprehension to my father since I saw him hitting my mum for the first time. How could understand that extremely heartrending situation a-3-years old boy?
Nevertheless, I have never let myself lose control of my fears although I knew since I was a child that my mother and I could die. Every day I had deep thoughts about why life was so unfair to us, why I had to live with a man who enjoyed drinking alcohol and defaming the most incredible woman and mother in the world. While my mum was an absolutely sorrowful shadow of what she used to be, at the age of 18 I could not stand that terrifying situation any longer and I faced him.
Ten years late I didn’t hesitate to go to the hospital some hours before he died of cancer. I ask that poor man to look at my GREEN eyes, the same colour of my mum’s. Suddenly, he stopped breathing and we didn’t have to confront our challenging faces anymore.

5 jun 2020

Anglès B1. Accèssit. Guillem Miguel Gaya

Horror story.
One couple have dinner with their friends. But they don't want to leave alone their son Tommy because is only 13 years old. Tommy don't want a nanny because he things that he is old enough. His parents accepted but his mother tells him that if he's scared he should put his hand under the bed to get the dog to suck it because that will calm him and if is necessary she will leave the number dialed and just press the green button.
The parents went to the dinner and he went to the bed with his dog. A few moments later he starts to hear a strange sound from the badroom and he put the he puts his hand under the bed for the dog to lick. Then he decided to go the bathroom and he saw that the sound was the dripping fauced. He closed it and went back to bed. An hour later he woke up and heard the same noise. He went to the bathroom again, but this time he saw something very different. There was his dead dog and written in blood on the mirror ""Psychopaths suck hands too"".

4 jun 2020

Italià B1. Accèssit. Melisa Marcela Fernández

C' era una volta un matrimonio giovane che viveva in un posto sperduto tra le montagne. Per molto tempo erano felici e senza preoccupazione. Loro amavano la natura, l'aria pura, la brezza estiva, la neve invernale, l'immensità della foresta verde che gli circondava. Un giorno, mentre loro cercavano i funghi nella foresta, trovarono un piccolo coniglio ferito e spaventato. Lei pulì le ferite, gli diede da mangiare e gli adottò. Lei adorava la sua nuova compagnia, così tanto che non aveva già occhi per suo marito. Tutte le carezze ed i bacci erano per il coniglieto. Però una sera, il coniglio birichino scappò via e mai più tornò. Per giorni e notti lei pianse senza conforto, quindi suo marito decise di andare a cercarlo, ma sulla strada si trovò con la fata dei desideri. L'unico desiderio suo era di essere felice nuovamente con sua moglie, e così fu che la fata lo transformò in un adorabile coniglio perché sua moglie lo coccolase, lo accarezzassi e lo baciasse come sempre l'aveva fatto.

3 jun 2020

Anglès B2. Accèssit. José Cándido López Fernández

When I was a nine-year-old kid, my brother, my sister and I were having a long walk at Elvina’s Park, in Coruna. We were all right and we decided to sit on a big granite’s stone to wait for the sunset. We were there, in silence for a while, enjoying the horizon, when we saw a tiny green spot over the sun for about two seconds. We didn’t know what it was but we kept it a secret for sometime until we forgot it all.
Fifteen years later I began to watch many Rohmer’s films, thanks to the film library and thanks to my Gallicised mother. One day I fell over ‘The Green Ray’ and the souvenir of my childhood came as a thunder to me. I waited until the end of the film and then I ran as a Thomson’s gazelle to tell my brother and sister the whole story.
I felt a little shocked when I noticed they, despite all my efforts, had fully forgotten the greenish incident but not the walk and the silent sunset we shared. As a matter of fact, they were right, the green ray was not the important thing.

2 jun 2020

Anglès B1. Relat guanyador. Climent Alfaro Coll


Virus it have rounded the world
destroying all it touch
of that wonderful World,
it call itself the most clever
that in the planet ever lived,
call it: humans, persons, people…
They change the place where they stay
turn it all the colours to black and grey,
and make their planet a dirty place

But can be the Earth chance
To will back green again.
Another virus just arrive
and lots humans might die.

Fear close up us in our homes
Everybody sending hopes,
all one wants keep in touch
to doesn't felt as alone

It`s time to realize
the power what Earth emit
maybe it wants survive
maybe it wants to give advice:
Stop of live as fast,
enjoy the simple times,
Stop make a mess of the World,
Turn back it the colours:
blues, greens, yellows, oranges,
purple, ,pink, ochre ....
Stop the colour of money,
the black of the fuel,
the grey of our souls.

Stop to think where we go
Stop to give us a hope
Stop to make love more.

1 jun 2020

Anglès B2. Accèssit. Xisca Pons Valori


My name is Penny and I might die today. It all had started with a like in Instagram, two hours later we set the day for our first date.

We went for a beer; he took me home, I invited him to come in. We had a drink and we got frisky. We went to my bedroom, he tied me to the bed. Then, he headed out to the kitchen to get some cream but came back with a knife.

Relax, I will not make you suffer, he told me as he slid the knife over my breast. “Do you remember Sam?” He asked me. “No, I do not know who he is” I answered. “Think about it” he told me as he held me tighter with the knife. Sam was my friend and he committed suicide because you turned him down and he wore the green willow.

“We were younger”, I screamed. “Being a teenager, he hanged himself”, he replied to me. “Be quiet, this will happen quickly”. He told me in a sadistic tone. He was just about to stick a knife in me when I heard a shot and he fell on top of me. I could not see who was there, and I closed my eyes.