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2 jun 2020

Anglès B1. Relat guanyador. Climent Alfaro Coll


Virus it have rounded the world
destroying all it touch
of that wonderful World,
it call itself the most clever
that in the planet ever lived,
call it: humans, persons, people…
They change the place where they stay
turn it all the colours to black and grey,
and make their planet a dirty place

But can be the Earth chance
To will back green again.
Another virus just arrive
and lots humans might die.

Fear close up us in our homes
Everybody sending hopes,
all one wants keep in touch
to doesn't felt as alone

It`s time to realize
the power what Earth emit
maybe it wants survive
maybe it wants to give advice:
Stop of live as fast,
enjoy the simple times,
Stop make a mess of the World,
Turn back it the colours:
blues, greens, yellows, oranges,
purple, ,pink, ochre ....
Stop the colour of money,
the black of the fuel,
the grey of our souls.

Stop to think where we go
Stop to give us a hope
Stop to make love more.