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5 jun 2023



“You can do it”, the voice said.

I yelled at her, “No, I can’t. I cannot do it.The fear is paralysing me, I feel my heart is stopping beating, my muscles are making inert, I can’t breathe!”.

She continued insisting. “Search in your mind positive thoughts, just look for them inside you”.

I breathed deeply and I could find one. Maybe there is a chance, I thought.

The voice whispered, “The moment has come. Maintain that beautiful thought, don't let others win, and now follow the pink line, I’ll be waiting for you”.

I did it. The line turned into a path where I could see how the grass grew around me and the dew drops dampened my naked feet. An avenue of trees towered by my side. The essence of nature invaded my entire being.

And there she was, waiting for me. I recognized her perfectly.

""We can do it together”, she affirmed.

Finally, the positive voice of my mind rose up among the others.

All of a sudden someone in the room said my name aloud. 

I was already prepared.