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12 jun 2021

Anglès B2.1. Accèssit. Óscar David Millán Vivancos


That day we had had an inopportune argument. So, I went for a walk and she went with her family.
Then I took the subway. But because I felt guilty, I immediately began to miss her. I felt sad and depressed. I thought that our best option would be to talk a little. Suddenly, something happened with my phone. First of all, strange symbols appeared, instead of the normal letters and numbers. Next, I tried to send a… impossible. That was the battery… and my charger was at home! I had a big problem. I couldn’t call her and I found no money in my pockets. The minutes became hours. What would she be thinking of? My silence would make all worse. The subway kept getting further and further away without stopping and I couldn’t get off. I felt completely isolated, disconnected, lost… alone. My sadness was growing towards infinity.
Finally, a noise woke me up. I opened my eyes and had no idea where I was. I felt relieved. My love was in the kitchen. It had just been a nightmare.