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13 jun 2021

Anglès B2.1. Accèssit. Manuel Albertí Oñate

Nancy´s mobile rang, it was Brand, the boy that she was in love with he wanted to cancel their date with a silly excuse.

When she arrived home, she went directly to bed to cry and she forgot to have dinner, she only ate an apple before sleeping. She bit it and she saw a small hole where a big worm showed up unexpectedly. She shouted and threw the apple. She approached it and raised her leg to smash it, but she saw how the disoriented worm tried to survive that terrible situation.

- What is happening to me? She said with tears in her eyes. Why am I trying to replicate my pain in another being? I should learn how this worm lives, it doesn´t need so many things in its life and it seems satisfied.

Nowadays Nancy has different greenhouses with varied fruits and vegetables that she sells to different restaurants. Also, she has a part only for the worm near the apple tree where the earth is always fresh.

Now she feels in love with the nature… she is in love with herself!