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4 may 2021

Anglès C1.2. Relat guanyador. Eugenia Elia

Flying bee

Many years after getting divorced Sara had decided to start a new life, enjoying the loneliness of a cabin in the middle of Denali's national park, where her father used to work as a forest ranger. Alaska may seem a peculiar place to live, but her love for nature had led her into beekeeping. 

The oddness of her lifestyle had become popular among the locals, who started to call her lady queen-bee. But it didn't bother her, on the contrary, she was delighted with her new status. Considering she was a single woman in a vast wilderness someone must have thought she was afraid of the wood’s darkness, but she was rather excited to share those moments with the trees, hearing the sound of the night. 

A single honey bee usually visits about 7,000 flowers a day but nobody visited her until the morning of April 15th of 1994, when a delivery man parked his van in front of the immense redwood. The only thing he could find was some glasses, and a honeycomb lying on the ground.