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12 jun 2022

ANGLÈS C2-Eugenia Paz

 I opened the door and there was Antonia. Staring at me with those black eyes, while she tried to move her wings to escape. After all, she was a chicken and not a dog, she couldn't come and greet me with the newspaper.

"Central apartment for sale with all the comforts, chicken included" I cannot deny that reading that ad, months before, had created great expectations, but it was its incredible price that led me to invest all the money from the inheritance.

Living with poultry is considered somewhat unconventional, perhaps for this reason some neighbors began to complain about the smell, assuring that they could even hear it clucking at night.
"Go in, take it and leave" I heard as I went down the stairs of the old building, and without worrying I went out like every morning on my way to the bank. On my return the smell of broth filled the entire hall. It smelled wonderfully.