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11 jun 2022

ANGLÈS C1- Lluïsa

 When I got home it seemed strange that my husband was not working in his study. Because of this reason, I went to the desk where he usually worked, there was an envelope with my name written on it. I opened it anxiously, inside there was a piece of paper that I could barely read. No doubt it was my husband’s handwriting because it looked like chicken scratch to me. It was hard to read, and the message was unbelievable and disconcerting. He had written that he wanted to start a new life because he was not happy. I was shocked, but there was something strange about it. The document was full of misspellings and my husband was a lover of literature and never made spelling mistakes. He could not have written this letter. In addition, he seemed genuinely happy with his loving family and friends, and with his challenging job as a translator. I could not understand anything. But then a question began to run through my head: had my husband left us, or was he forced to write this strange note?