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14 jun 2022

ANGLÈS B2- Elena

 At what time do you usually go to bed?

Generally speaking, people will say, “I am sleeping between 10 p.m. and midnight”. But, what is happening if someone tells you, “In my lifestyle, I tend to be asleep around 6 p.m. in winter”, it is sounds rarely and at the same time funny.

As a result, the Spanish have an expression in this case, and it is the next, “You go to bed as if you were a chicken”, it is a well known saying in Spain.

That means the following, chickens always are sleeping when the sunset, that is why in Spain, as a rule, we say this typical saying. Also, when somebody normally gets up very early in the morning, for example at 5 a.m. Spanish people say, “You get up just like chickens” because they wake up at the break of dawn.

Personally and definitely, I would not like to be a chicken. Do you agree?