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30 jun 2022

CATALÀ C1- Antònia

 No fa molt, conversant amb un pagès, em va: "La vida és com l'escala d'un galliner, curta i plena de merda". El meu cap començà a donar-li voltes a aquesta dita.

Sí, és una frase molt encertada, el dia que estàs trista, malalta o adolorida, o el dia que falten els que tant estimes... aquests són escalons bruts, però i els dies que estàs feliç, t'acompanya la salut i l'amor et somriu? Aquests serien escalons ben nets.
Afortunadament, no tota l'escala és bruta, també hi ha escalons polits.
Idò, tot això em va fer pensar la merda de gallina.

29 jun 2022

CATALÀ B2- Stina

 Ets una gallina, em deia amb una veu plena de burla. La mirava fixament a veure si ho deia de broma, però tenia els ulls intensos clavats a la meva cara, amb un somriure dels seus que era mig desafiador i mig seriós. Respirava fort i li tornava el somriure. Que hem de fer? li demanava ràpid per no tenir temps a dubtar. Una hora més tard havia agafat dos canvis de roba i l’esperava abaix de ca meva, mossegant-me les ungles, amb una petita motxilla i unes botes desgastades. Venia corrensos amb una paperina del forn. Anem amb el ferri de les onze, em deia cuan arribava . Em va agafar del bracet i varem començar a caminar cap al port. M’explicava una teoria de les seves però jo només sentia el calor del braç i veia els seus ulls brillar quan cercava paraules entre els coloms que botaven al nostre costat. Feiem el camí que jo feia cada dia, però em pareixia haver canviat; el carrer tenia una llum més penetrant i les partícules ballaven dins un raig del sol.

28 jun 2022

JAPONÈS A2- Teresa



26 jun 2022

ITALIÀ C1- Margarita M.M.

 Cara Gallina,

è da anni che ti vediamo passeggiare nel cortile... Da dove vieni? Dove vai? Cosa aspetti? Sei riuscita a iscriverti all'EOI, oppure fai lezioni peripateticamente? Quale lingua hai scelto? Ce ne sono tante che non è facile decidersi... Forse sei già arrivata al C1 di italiano. Ce l’hai fatta? L’hai superato?
Iscriversi non è facile, c’è molta gente che ci prova però a volte noi alunni ci troviamo con la brutta notizia che non c’è posto. Cara Gallina, stai ben attenta, non sbagliarti il giorno dell’iscrizione. C’è un corso specifico che, malgrado sia molto interessante, a te non conviene per niente; è quello di cucina italiana “L’italiano è servito: saperi e sapori dell’Italia”.
Se ti capita di atterrare nella nostra classe, che bel brodo e che bel piatto cucineremo con i compagni! Con te il corso andrà a gonfie vele! Ti aspettiamo con le braccia aperte e la cucina mobile pronta.

25 jun 2022


 “Passata è la tempesta : odo augelli far festa, e la gallina, tornata in su la via, che ripete il suo verso…”. Ecco alcuni versi del Canto XXIV “La quiete dopo la tempesta” di Giacomo Leopardi.

E io mi chiedo…come sarebbe la nostra vita senza i poeti, i pittori, i musicisti, gli scultori, senza l’arte insomma? Come riusciremmo a sopportare il quotidiano faticare, i giorni e le notti di solitudine e di tristezza? In qualunque situazione si può trovare un po’ di sollievo grazie alla bellezza delle parole scritte, dei dipinti che rappresentano la vita, o una donna o un bambino, delle sculture che ci fanno apprezzare la grandezza dell’uomo, capace a volte di creare magia e di esprimere la sua fantasia con parole e musica! Quando pensiamo che è tutto perso, possiamo sempre ascoltare una bella canzone, ammirare un quadro o perfino una statuina di bronzo che ci facciano capire che l’arte è lì per farci godere e darci una mano anche nelle situazioni più difficili!

24 jun 2022

ANGLÈS B2- Mari Carmen

 I have lived in the same community for 20 years, Alzamora 56.

I remember the first day we arrived at the block, I remember the keys in my hand and how excited we were to open the door of our new home.
With hope and enthusiasm we started to live together in the community where everything promised to be peaceful, but nothing could be further from the truth.
Living in a community involves many things, above all a high dose of patience, which is difficult to bear when you refuse to accept the noise made by others and which prevents you from having a moment of peace.
There are so many times I have felt goosebumps looking at the ceiling that the impotence of knowing that nothing can be done makes you blaspheme.
It could be the age or that my sensitivity to noise has increased. What is certain is that lately I dream of the same thing at night. I dream that I live in another house, where I only hear one thing, the echo of my footsteps.

23 jun 2022

CATALÀ C2- Catalina

 El meu pare té un pla. Ell és qui ho arregla tot, i es preocupa perquè la mare i jo estiguem bé. A més, és la persona més generosa que conec, sempre està disposat a ajudar. Mai es queixa si alguna cosa li fa mal, però si jo em faig un cop sent com si li clavessin mil punyals. No ho entenc, a mi no em fa tant de mal, només vull que em torni a abraçar. Em quedaria a viure als seus braços per sempre, per això em poso una mica trista quan se'n va. Ara ja sé que després tornarà. A vegades s'enfada un poc quan les coses no li surten com voldria, però em tranquil·litza sentir-lo cantar amb alegria. M'agrada somiar que el meu pare pot volar, i que es passeja pel cel estrellat protegint la nostra casa de qualsevol mal. Tot forma part del seu pla, encara no sé molt bé quin és, així i tot ho començ a sospitar. Quan alguna cosa m'escarrufa o se'm posa la pell de gallina, és ell qui m'inspira. També inspira la meva mare, que ha decidit escriure aquestes línies, omplint de paraules la meva vida.

22 jun 2022

XINÈS B1- Irene


— 我们去散步吧!
— 汪汪!


21 jun 2022

JAPONÈS A2- Pierre

























20 jun 2022


 Joanna had never been before either a meadow or a lea like that. She was taking a walk through that marvellous field replete with daisies. She gathered one and started to play “he loves me, he loves me not”. Her little friend John loved her! Althought she knew that it was just a children's game and the reality might be a different kettle of fish, she was so happy.

A plethora of pretty butterflies with many different colours were blowing around her. One of them perched on her shoulder and she, very slowly, gazed at it. It was really amazing. At once a little bird landed nearby and also a beautiful hen, with striking colours, appeared from a bush and it sat by her side.
Soon after, from a warren which was very close to her, two small white rabbits came out; Like a merry-go-round, started going round and round.
In the blink of an eye, she saw an astonishing thing she had never seen, nothing less than the rainbow showing its splendour. Verily, an out-of-this-world moment for her.

19 jun 2022

ANGLÈS C1- Teresa

 To answer if first was the egg or the hen, its similar to answer in how many pieces can you split an atom.

We don't know how things appear but we know we all disappear, and nobody talk to us about it. But I will since my final days are near.
1865, I was exploring the Nile with Livingston.
Walking throw the jungle could take days. But all effort was worth. We arrived at night. It was dark, and the plants didn't let the moon illuminate the way. Suddenly I heard the roar of water, we went through the vegetation and there was a massive waterfall and behind it there it was, the entrance to a gorgeous hamlet surrounded by luminescent vegetation that made the magic of the moment. And at the entrance a dog told me the truth "We are not afraid of the death but of the suffering it normally brings with it, we are scared of what we can't control, of where everything it's dark and we can't properly see, the deep sea, the out space, the night. Its our end to let the beginning for others"

18 jun 2022

Català C2- Paloma Pilar

 Cada vegada que et veig per les meves ulleres de pensar, tenc una imatge diferent de la realitat quotidiana. Tot depèn del color en què et miri i la forma sobrevinguda de la meva inspiració.

Els ulls es converteixen en imaginació cada vegada que els obr i els tanc. Les parpelles ja estan esgotades d’irritació.
Al fons del camí, mir fredament, i només veig els cacauets sense closca que perden el cap per ser menjats pels teus llavis. Continua el meu deliri i me n’adon que tot depèn de com es mirin les coses.
Fa tant de temps que visc aïllada, sobreprotegida contra la contaminació vírica que acaba amb la realitat humana, que em pos les sabates d’anar a passejar i començ a caminar.
El meu caminar m’endú cap a una gallina que passa pel meu costat, oblidant la seva por.
Decideix atracar-me. Pot ser que al final, acabi amb una picada; o, pot ser que acabi a la mar, nedant, indiferent, obrint els ulls i deixant de somiar, que ja n’és ben hora, no?

17 jun 2022

CATALÀ B2- Rhys William

 La mare mirava per la finestra i cada cop tenia la sensació que la gallina també la mirava. La gallina ja havia entrat a ca seva un parell de vegades des del jardí i la mare l’havia sorprès mirant el seu nadó amb una cosa semblant al desig als ulls. La primera vegada va moure el nadó a una altra habitació abans de treure la gallina al jardí, però la gallina va tornar a entrar i va tornar a trobar-lo.

La mare va començar a sentir que amagava el seu fill de la gallina, però de sobte va pensar que això era una tonteria.

Fins que un dia va entrar a la habitació del nadó i no hi era. El va cercar per tot arreu, va cridar als veïns però no l’havien vist.

En sortir corrent de ca seva no es va fixar en la mirada satisfeta de la gallina, una mirada que havia vist moltes vegades en la cara del seu marit, en aquells dies en què sortien a cercar un ou al mati per a berenar.

16 jun 2022

ALEMANY B1- Chiara

 Dies ist die Geschichte der Henna-Henne.

Henna ist eine junge und sehr neugierige Henne.Eines Tages entfernte sie sich weit von ihrer Koralle, um nach Nahrung zu finden. Sie verirrte sich und kam in dem Garten der Sprachschule.Es gab viele Studenten die immer Brotkrumen gaben.
Der Garten war sehr groß und voller Bäume und bunter Blumen.
Tage vergingen und das Schulpersonal baute ein kleines Haus, um sie vor dem Regen zu schützen.
Henna war sehr glücklich, weil sie viele Freunde hatte: kleine Vögel, Bienen, Eidechsen und auch ein Igel!
Die Studenten kamen aus verschiedenen Ländern und sie sprachen viele Sprachen.
"Hola" sagten die Spanier, "Salut" die Franzosen, "Ciao" die Italiener...
Eines Tages hat ein Student die offene Tür vergessen und sie kam schnell herein in die Schule.
Sie kam in den Deutschunterricht und das war der lustigste Tag, weil sie viele neue Dinge gelernt hat.
Seit diesem Tag, als die Tür offen war, ging sie immer zu einer anderen Klasse, um zuzuhören.

15 jun 2022

XINÈS A2- Jennifer






14 jun 2022

ANGLÈS B2- Elena

 At what time do you usually go to bed?

Generally speaking, people will say, “I am sleeping between 10 p.m. and midnight”. But, what is happening if someone tells you, “In my lifestyle, I tend to be asleep around 6 p.m. in winter”, it is sounds rarely and at the same time funny.

As a result, the Spanish have an expression in this case, and it is the next, “You go to bed as if you were a chicken”, it is a well known saying in Spain.

That means the following, chickens always are sleeping when the sunset, that is why in Spain, as a rule, we say this typical saying. Also, when somebody normally gets up very early in the morning, for example at 5 a.m. Spanish people say, “You get up just like chickens” because they wake up at the break of dawn.

Personally and definitely, I would not like to be a chicken. Do you agree?

13 jun 2022

ITALIÀ B2- Maria Isabel

 Odisseo, dopo aver sofferto molte sventure era tornato a Itaca.

Gli costò riconoscere quel paesaggio… era passato molto tempo da quando se n’era andato per participare a una guerra lontana.

Odisseo guardò intorno a lui… vent’anni… chi lo ricorderebbe? Sua madre era già morta, l’aveva vista nell’Ade. Sua moglie, lo aveva dimenticato? Suo figlio Telemaco sarebbe già un uomo.

Atena, che lo aveva aiutato sempre, gli dise che i proci di Penelope avevano preso il palazzo. E, che se si fosse presentato all’improvviso, lo avrebbero ucciso. Lo trasformò in un indigente irreconoscibile. E che andasse a vedere Eumeo, il suo porcaro, fedele ancora a lui.

Quando arrivò alla capanna, Eumeo non lo riconobbe. Nemmeno il vecchio cane Argo, come si spiega. L’unica fu Ootoca, la sua gallina preferita. Nessuno ha mai visto un affetto cosí grande tra un uomo e la sua gallina. Eumeo lo identificò infine ed entrambi elaborarono un piano per recuperare il trono. Ma questa è un’altra storia…

12 jun 2022

ANGLÈS C2-Eugenia Paz

 I opened the door and there was Antonia. Staring at me with those black eyes, while she tried to move her wings to escape. After all, she was a chicken and not a dog, she couldn't come and greet me with the newspaper.

"Central apartment for sale with all the comforts, chicken included" I cannot deny that reading that ad, months before, had created great expectations, but it was its incredible price that led me to invest all the money from the inheritance.

Living with poultry is considered somewhat unconventional, perhaps for this reason some neighbors began to complain about the smell, assuring that they could even hear it clucking at night.
"Go in, take it and leave" I heard as I went down the stairs of the old building, and without worrying I went out like every morning on my way to the bank. On my return the smell of broth filled the entire hall. It smelled wonderfully.

11 jun 2022

ANGLÈS C1- Lluïsa

 When I got home it seemed strange that my husband was not working in his study. Because of this reason, I went to the desk where he usually worked, there was an envelope with my name written on it. I opened it anxiously, inside there was a piece of paper that I could barely read. No doubt it was my husband’s handwriting because it looked like chicken scratch to me. It was hard to read, and the message was unbelievable and disconcerting. He had written that he wanted to start a new life because he was not happy. I was shocked, but there was something strange about it. The document was full of misspellings and my husband was a lover of literature and never made spelling mistakes. He could not have written this letter. In addition, he seemed genuinely happy with his loving family and friends, and with his challenging job as a translator. I could not understand anything. But then a question began to run through my head: had my husband left us, or was he forced to write this strange note?

10 jun 2022

FRANCÈS C1- Caterina

 C’était la première fois que je voyais ma mère trembler. Elle est restée comme une poule devant un chien qui aboie. Pas un mot, pas une expression, seulement une statue de sel en face. Jamais je ne l'avais connue privée de réponse, de défense. Elle a dirigé son regard pétrifié vers la porte. Elle se serait sûrement enfuie mais le temps s'était arrêté.

Un klaxon lointain a fait redémarrer mes pensées surgelées et finalement j'ai appliqué ma logique concluante: ma sœur, l'enfant que je, fille aînée, ai dû protéger; l'adolescente qui a toujours voulu ce qui m'appartenait et obtenu plus que moi; la femme qui s'est entêtée à posséder l'homme que j'aimais et qui m'a pourri la vie, n'était plus ma sœur. Elle était seulement la deuxième fille de ma mère. Elle pouvait donc me foutre la paix.

L'existence de ma mère, bâtie sur le mensonge, était un vrai désastre, et je n'y pouvais rien. À ce moment-là, je lui rendais son histoire et sa vie. J'avais 48 ans et j'étais à la fin libre.

9 jun 2022

CATALÀ B2- Marina

 De sobte tots  els passatgers van començar a cridar i el conductor de l'autobús va frenar de cop!

La gent estava atònita, no podien creure el que estaven veient amb els seus propis ulls.
Es tractava d'una gallina de 3,5 m d'altura en mig de la carretera de Deià!!
L'animaló semblava desesperat i desconcertat.
La gent va treure els seus telèfons mòbils i van començar a gravar aquell fenomen tan surrealista. Acontinuació van pujar els vídeos a les xarxes socials. Va causar un veritable gran impacte per a tots els illencs de Mallorca.
Al cap de 5 minuts, van aparèixer uns individus els quals tenien un aspecte força enigmàtic...Eren 3 científics misteriosos amb unes bates estrafolàries llargues blanques i tacades per un líquid viscós. Seguit, un d'ells va treure una xeringa de coure i vidre de la butxaca, la qual era força gran i punxeguda!! De sobte, va clavar-la amb totes les seves forces!!
-Perdona, però com és que..?
-Ho sabries si em deixessis acabar de contar el final de l'història...

8 jun 2022

ALEMANY A2- Joana Maria

 Heute ist Mittwoch. Es ist nicht sonnig sondern es regnet. Ich bin sehr früh aufgewacht aber ich bin noch im Bett. Daran habe ich mich an meinen Opa erinnert. Er steht jeden Tag früh auf.

Mein opa wohnt in einem Grossen roten Haus abseits der Stadt. Er ist immer glücklich und er ist sehr nett zu mir. Er heisse Thomas, ich auch.
Seit 10 Jahren lebt er allein und im Sommer besuch ich ihn normalerweise. Dort machen wir lange Spaziergänge in den Bergen und Nachmittags schwimmen wir im See. Er kocht immer und manchmal darf ich ihm helfen.
Eines Tages hatte ich eine Idee: wir schenken ihm jedes Jahr ein Tier zum Geburtstag. Und so fangen wir an! Im ersten Jahr haben wir ihm einen Hund geschenkt, im zweiten Jahr ein Pferd, im dritten Jahr ein Schaf, usw. Dieses Jahr werden wir ihm ein Huhn schenken.
Jetzt hat er eine Farm! Mein Opa lebt nicht mehr allein denn er gute Mitbewohner hat.
Ich glaube, er der glücklichste Mann ist. Wenn ich älter bin, wäre ich gern wie er.

7 jun 2022

XINÈS A2- Roberta


每个星期我都去语言学校。五点零五分我上课。我四点半钟下班。我快去到我的车。大致从四点到五点半车很多。四点半小学生下课,他们坐公共汽车到家,还是父母去学校接他们。我的工作离语言学校不远 ,只有开车十分钟。
我十四岁的时候,我住在意大利。我家前面,一家住在。他们有了几只动物、狗、很多猫和十几母鸡。一天我一个人在家。那是夏天,天气很热。 窗户打开了。我在房间里休息一下。我要喝水,所以我从床上下来。它就在那里。 他们的母鸡。我不知道怎么办,所以我关上了门。然后我等我爸爸回家了。他给了他们他们的母鸡。

6 jun 2022

ANGLÈS B2- Arturo

A part from the usual pursuits of a young girl of highbirth, Lady Tatiana spent many days looking at the portrait of her ancestor Lord Charles Argleton, 1st Earl of Glastonbury, who back in the 11th century achieved the title thanks to the fact that he was the favourite of the secretly gay English king William II. More than the aristocrat's blustering expression, what most caught the attention of the noble girl was the family's coat of arms in the gilded frame of the painting. It was displayed on a silver blazon, a red chicken rampant with a very small crown on its head. That such an ugly bird was the emblem of the family was a mystery. Why had Lord Charles chosen a chicken to decorate his coat of arms? Maybe he was a coward? Was he crazy about the chicken pie? Or that the silly chicken reminded him of his lover, the English king? The young lady pondered these questions, while her antecedent seemed to say, with the typical mocking look of the Argletons: "As if I am going to tell you!".

5 jun 2022

ANGLÈS C1-Francisca Cristina

 He looked proudly at his property, five acres of land, sprinkled with trees and surrounded by a fence, in the middle of nowhere. On the right stand the corrals and at his back, the farmhouse. Five years ago, tired from his “busy” life, he decided to get a fresh start and settle down in the countryside. By then, he didn’t know very much about hens yet, but he had rightly considered they were simple animals. Land, fresh water, food,. .. and “voilà!”, an ecological farm of laying hens, whose eggs are increasingly demanded in the market. What very few know is that hens love meat. If an unfortunate mouse enters in their field vision , they will run in the hunt and the little creature will be devoured almost instantaneously with no utter consideration. All that he has to figure out is how to transform the contents of the black plastic bag which is lying at his feet (1.80 m. of height, 70 kg of weight, he calculates by eyes) into small meatballs the size of a mouse.

4 jun 2022

ANGLÈS A1- Britney

 Today is Friday.

I arrive at home after work. It's a sunny day. It's early, four o'clock.
I want to walk in the park. I go there and I see a hen!
One beautiful cat is walking there and it's watching the hen. The cat is hungry and sad. Then, we go to the café to eat and drink.
Now the cat and the hen are living with me in my garden.
And they're very happy.

3 jun 2022

XINÈS A1- Rosa María



2 jun 2022

JAPONÈS A2- Joaquín








1 jun 2022

ITALIÀ B2- Encarnación


Erano le undici di sera, e stavo per andarmene a letto, quando ho sentito lo squillo di un messaggio sul mio cellulare, l’ho guardato ed era di mio padre, l’ho aperto velocemente nel caso fosse qualcosa di urgente, e sono rimasta sbalordita; ho letto: “Hola amor, che bella la gallina”. Chiaramente non era per me. Ma a chi li scriveva mio padre settantenne e addirittura salutando in spagnolo? Parlando d'amore! E di una gallina!. Immediatamente il testo è stato cancellato, ma ormai io l'avevo letto.
Non sapevo cosa fare. Non potevo dire niente a mio marito che stava dormendo, ed essendo così conservatore e serio! A mia madre men che meno!
Ho deciso di rispondere: “ Babbo, non ho letto niente" e sono andata a dormire con un sorriso, pensando che l’illusione, l’amore ed il desiderio non finiscono mai… fortunatamente!