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10 may 2022

ANGLÈS B2- Rosa Maria

I'm so tired of the routine, everyday it's the same.
I get up early and go to work, where spend most of time sit down ¡without moving me! I have guined so much wieght that I can't remember I was before.
And after a tiring day in egg production, I arrive to the chicken coop, which is upside down, where my children wait for me, following me everywhere with treir little voices ¡Mum this, mum that...!
Of course I can't count with my husband, who is in fourty's crisis. He spends all day strutting in front of the lasses, he goes out every nigth to cluck and doesn't come back until dawn.
I remember my chick days when I was single without children...Nobody told me that growing up and becoming a chicken would be so hard.