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28 may 2022

ANGLÈS B2- Montserrat

Pep, the neighbour’s rooster, never shuts up. Every sunrise he surprises me with his off-key voice. It is impossible to sleep any longer, but, thanks to that, I can enjoy contemplating the down. After that, I eat my breakfast and off I go! While I walk, I wonder why people insist on fencing off spaces. One day I decided to go through the fence that surrounded my house. Within one hour, I had lost track of where I was. The noise disoriented me and I began to waddle across the pavement that shattered my feet. I tried to ask for help, but I realised that nobody understood me.The sun was setting and I felt exhausted, when suddenly I read. Official Languages School.I entered through a window that was open. No one was there and I was too tired to investigate, so I let myself fall into Morpheus’ arms. Far away I heard voices and when I open the eyes, I saw a crew looking stunned at me. From that day on, it’s my home. Who said a hen can't learn languages?