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5 may 2022

ANGLÈS B2- Oscar David

The phone rang at eleven o'clock in the night. I answered:
−Hi, Iñaki! So, we are starting now!
At the beginning, it had seemed crazy to me, but then, after searching in Internet I had known that it was real: the world record in length of a phone call was 54 hours and 4 minutes. Fortunately, Iñaki had chosen me like his partner for this adventure. We would have to speak almost for three days, without sleep. It was not allowed to read books nor articles. We had to keep a normal conversation. So, I have prepared food, water, coffee and a comfortable sofa near the toilet. My phone was plenty of battery but, obviously, we would need to recharge. I had prepared more than one phone, in case, to change it without interrupting the dialogue.
Unexpectedly, I heard a stupid laughter.
−Óscar, you are as simple as a hen! It was only a joke! I'm sorry.
Since then, I am still looking for someone appropriate, a serious person, to win that World Guinness Record.