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28 may 2024

ANGLÈS C1- PRIMER PREMI-Eva Millán Vivancos


Fifth day with her.

I have already shown her the most emblematic monuments and my favorite places in Bordeaux. I find her stories of solo travels even more fascinating.
Maud is beautiful, but I wouldn't have realized if it weren't for her look. Her eyes hide the tenderness of someone who knows defeat.
She asks me to go to the Grosse Cloche again. "Places are like people; they always keep unsolved mysteries for us," she adds.

Later we go to the airport. Our time runs out. I am just a tourist guide and she must take her last trip home, taking all her secret mysteries with her.
I give her my telephone number, in case she ever needs anything from me.
She smiles. I fear she has not understood my words.
She kisses my cheek and walks away.
My heart bursts like a broken dream.

At home I embrace a void I didn't know before.
Suddenly a WhatsApp: “Hi Gio! The plane is damaged and will not take off today. It's late. Could I stay at your house at least tonight?
The journey continues.