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13 may 2024

ANGLÈS C1- PRIMER PREMI-Ana María Grech Moncada


The space rocket was about to take off. 3, 2, 1!

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, we were ready to launch our fears and insecurities into the void. It was the last trip to find the interstellar rock giving us the key to success. Peering through the hatch, we observed myriad stars, transforming as we crossed them. We glimpsed an inverted planet whose gravitational attraction spun the ship around. We sailed to the beat of nimble prepositional particles, flirting with countless seductive verbs. In the distance, nebulae of words scattered across the Milky Way. We encountered a wandering and talkative alien we listened to twice. Only twice! We spotted four black holes, guessing which would lead us to our goal. Without hesitation, we dodged our mistakes. At last, we arrived, filling our spaceship in the small blank space on the giant planet, finding our priceless treasure. The mediators sprinkled us with knowledge, and... Ring, ring, you’ve got an English exam!