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31 may 2024

ANGLÈS C1- Oscar David Millán Vivancos


That day she said to me that she wished to visit Transilvania. The previous night we had watched an old Bela Lugosi's film. My answer was a joke about vampires. However, the journey by train had been marvelous, through the European biggest forests.

That remote castle was really gloomy, as taken from a Tim Burton's gothic film. We knocked on its door and it was the very Edward Scissorhands who opened to us!
—We were waiting for you! —such strange words were his first.
We went into that sad enormous place, and soon we heard a human sound, as if somebody was crying.
Edward whispered:
—Don't worry about that: it's our parrot.
We nodded but suddenly, the floor opened under us. We felt down.
Now, I have just woken up. It was an uncomfortable nightmare. I feel that I am a lucky man until I listen to my partner giving the 'good morning' to me with these words:
—Good morning, my love! I have chosen our next travel destination! What about Transilvania?