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9 may 2020

Anglès B2. Accèssit. Bernat Ferrer Mayol


It was the month of march, it was cold, windy and rainy. I stayed at home. I was having a lot of time to clean my library, my desk full of papers and bank statements. Time to order my wardrobe because soon, just in a few days, the spring had to arrive
Suddenly, a few days ago I realized the green and flowery spring have arrived. I noticed from my window the smells of the flowers and wonderful birdsongs. I was confined at home due to coronavirus. Usually I was going twice a week to keep my little friends the bees, but I musn’t visit them now. Spring is the most special season for these sort of insects which are crucial for pollination and consequently to have fruits and vegetables.
Luckily I discovered that acording to the local government I am a registered beekeper with beehives and therefore I can visit and take care of them this harsh quarantine.