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23 may 2020

Anglès B1. Relat guanyador. Caterina Janer Gomila

It was eight o’clock when the bell rang. It didn’t look like it was going to rain, so that could be the day.

The iron railing on the balcony needed more than a coat of paint. The previous owner must be a careless person, judging by the general shape of the house I had bought a year ago.

When the painter came in, my first question was: “Could you show me the paint can?” I was worried about the colour he would have chosen. I had looked at the palette and I had warned him: “It can’t be medium sea green. The forest green is very usual here, but I’m not keen on it. The perfect colour is dark green.”

Tom had brought the right colour, so he started working. I was looking at him while I was having my first coffee. “It will look chic”, I thought satisfied. But suddenly, I heard a scream that made me go out on the balcony, where I realised the mishap: Tom had spilled the paint, and the floor was totally dark green.

Tom, who was really perplexed, said: “Sorry, but today is not the day.