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31 may 2020

Català C. Relat guanyador. Maria Ángeles Recio García


Catalina Amengual decidí passar aquell diumenge primaveral al port de Sóller amb Víctor Ferragut. Contemplar la floració dels ametllers havia estat la raó d'agafar el centenari tren de fusta que aviat travessà la vall florida.

La naturalesa exuberant dugué la conversa dels amics cap als impressionistes francesos de finals del segle XIX. Llavors un turista, Bernat Nicolau, s'afegí a l'animada conversa. Després passejaren pel Port, menjaren a una terrassa de la platja i tornaren plegats al capvespre.

Catalina i Bernat es feren amants arran de la posterior estada d'ell a Mallorca, i del viatge de Catalina a Barcelona. L'última nit soparen a Els Quatre Gats i l'endemà pujaren a Montserrat. Asseguts al verd tren cremallera telefonaren a Víctor i reprengueren aquella conversa que iniciaren mesos abans.

Però de sobte el tren descarrilà i la conversa quedà definitivament interrompuda, per això Víctor, desotat i tristíssim, avui ho explicava a ""La Vanguardia""

30 may 2020

Anglès B2. Accèssit. Javier Fernández Pomar

"It is often said that green is the color of Hope, although nowadays many people claim that it's the color of Money.
Firstly, we usually watch Coronavirus microscope images on the news where it seems green.
Secondly, It goes without saying that Coronavirus is one of the most important issues facing us today.
Last but not least, it's worth considering Stan Lee was an American comic book writer who gathered the words money, hope and superheroes fighting against global threats.
For instance, Tony Stark is a billionare who used to sell weapons. However, one day he turned into Iron Man and he sacrificed his life to defeat Thanos who wanted to finish half of world population as if a lethal virus.
Moreover, Bruce Banner is a mild-mannered scientist who was exposed to heavy doses of gamma radiation and transformed himself into a green machine of rage called ""Hulk"".
As far as I'm concerned, the superheroes on these days are the healthcare personnel such as nurses, doctors and psychologists."

29 may 2020

Anglès B2. Accèssit. Paloma Llistó Simón

"""The Hand""
It was a wild, dark and stormy night when James was walking along the main street called ""Light green"" and he saw a big package that had been appeared on land. He bent down and picked it up. James removed the paper that wrapped the package to see what it was. The smell was getting stronger so James imagined that it could be rotten food, but too far from reality. His face changed when he discovered inside the package there was a hand. James called the police right away. Twenty minutes later, the police arrived to ""Light Green"" street and they started to investigate the crime. It seems that the murder was pretty silly because his fingerprints made with blood were all around the package. That is why John J.R. was caught and arrested. After three days the jury reached their verdict, John was found guilty. The fingerprints found his. It was enough to sentence him to fifty years in prison. But on the fourth day in prison he died because of an early heart attack."

28 may 2020

Anglès B2. Accèssit.. Maria del Carmen Escoto Mesquida

My husband and I are used to travelling to cold places in summer, but very often we run out of ideas and then we make for The Pyrenees. We usually have a great time because we are keen on nature and we never get tired of seeing such breathtaking landscapes which show, even in summer, their best and varied green colour. Usually everything goes right, but not always…
Last time we were there was four years ago. During the day we got around picturesque small villages and high mountains. From time to time, we stopped to approach narrow rivers and blue lakes. The photos my husband took were really spectacular.
As we are very fond of the local specialities, we enjoyed buying something for lunch, however, at nights we looked for a good restaurant and we tasted the local wine and a more elaborate cuisine.
Those first days were amazing, until we stopped at that petrol station and my husband put the wrong fuel. Then another story started. I wish I had hired an electric car!

27 may 2020

Anglès B2. Relat guanyador. Ana Maria Popovici

""-There was a colour more on this planet,"" used to say my grandmother. ""I can’t remember how it looked like, but it was wonderful. And its name… I forgot it too.""
I’m a strange teenager, because nothing makes me feel happy. I’m looking for something, maybe that colour about which my grandmother told me. She said that our world was totally different when she was a child. There were trees, flowers, animals, a kind of things that are unknown to my generation.
Now we are living in a dull world. Everyone is locked in a cell with some primary needs. If we want something more, we ask a machine to bring it to us. How is outside? There isn’t an outside, at least that’s what we are told.
I wish I could break the “chains” that entangle me in a terrible life. I want to find out the colour of that trees. Maybe it's the only aim to live for.
Since my grandmother passed away, I’m obsessed with her farewell note that I can’t understand. She'd wrote just a single weird word: “green”.

26 may 2020

Anglès A2. Accèssit. Araceli Catalina Villaverde Vidal

“The sea cries”
The sea cries, the sea is sad. Its tears are no longer crystal clear blue waters, they’re more green.
Everytime the sea cries, at all times it cries. It cries plastics, it cries bottles, it cries remnants of anything.
The waves that reach the shore dye the sand, the sea cries tar.
The sea cries, and cries inconsolably. Often its tears become remains of algae or dead fish.
At all times it cries, at all times it shouts at us but we ignore it.
At all times its water are only the reflection of our stupidity, of our neglect, of our selfishness and of our ambition, and we are accomplices of its sadness.
Can you imagine being locked in a bubble? And the sea locked in a bottle?
Comfort my grief because, in time, my grief will be your grief."

25 may 2020

Italià B1. Accèssit. Jorge Kafie


Quando ho acceso la torcia Geppetto mi stava già puntando una pistola.
Ho dovuto dirglielo:

- Mastro Gepetto! Non ho più storie da raccontarti! E il mio naso fa male da morire... Cosa vuole che faccia?

I suoi occhi hanno scintillato dietro gli occhiali, sotto le pesanti nuvole grigie delle sue sopracciglia. Un sorriso crudele ha lampeggiato sul suo viso come una scimitarra.

- Indovinala grillo!, mi ha detto, ridendo fragorosamente.

All'interno del Pesce-cane, la tonalità verde della luce del mio cellulare brillava come una lucciola nell'immensità di una grotta. Naturalmente, non c’era rete! E non si sentiva nemmeno alcun cinguettio, alcuna stridulazióne...

24 may 2020

Anglès B1. Accèssit. Gerson Kemuel Enfedaque Aguilar

Happiness princess

Once upon a time a princess named Judith that she wasn't happy and she didn't know why. For these reasons she ask the permission her father for to go outside for looking her happiness.
When she start the way she found a pretty boy named David. He is blonde with a green eyes, and she ask to him if he want come with her, and he told yes.
In that way they look a very dangerous way, but finally they arrive to the house and a green goblin to say ""if the happiness you want the eyes you need to open.
They didn't understand and when they decided come back her house, David has hungry and take a berry, just in that moment David feel so bad and the princess believed that the most probably he died in her arms and she decided kiss him for to say goodbye.
And just in this moment not only he recovered if not she discovered that in truth he was her happiness.

The end.

23 may 2020

Anglès B1. Relat guanyador. Caterina Janer Gomila

It was eight o’clock when the bell rang. It didn’t look like it was going to rain, so that could be the day.

The iron railing on the balcony needed more than a coat of paint. The previous owner must be a careless person, judging by the general shape of the house I had bought a year ago.

When the painter came in, my first question was: “Could you show me the paint can?” I was worried about the colour he would have chosen. I had looked at the palette and I had warned him: “It can’t be medium sea green. The forest green is very usual here, but I’m not keen on it. The perfect colour is dark green.”

Tom had brought the right colour, so he started working. I was looking at him while I was having my first coffee. “It will look chic”, I thought satisfied. But suddenly, I heard a scream that made me go out on the balcony, where I realised the mishap: Tom had spilled the paint, and the floor was totally dark green.

Tom, who was really perplexed, said: “Sorry, but today is not the day.

22 may 2020

Italià C1. Accèssit. Margarita Rosselló Pons

Veramente sono il Re, ha affermato il Verde in un’intervista televisiva. La dichiarazione ha fatto scoppiare un conflitto tra Lui e il Rosso, colore a cui si attribuisce il protagonismo assoluto nei cibi italiani più tipici: il pomodoro San Marzano della Pizza Margherita, i pomodorini ciliegia del sughetto della Calamarata, la salsa delle Melanzane alla parmigiana o la Pappa col pomodoro. Impossibile rimuoverlo dalla sua opinione perché Lui ha sottolineato questa preponderanza: orecchiette con broccoli e pancetta, ravioli ripieni di ricotta e spinaci, piselli negli Arancini, carciofi alla griglia, o zucchine con rigatoni. Io sono di una bontà senza paragone: che sarà del Rosso del pomodoro senza le erbe aromatiche? La Pizza Margherita senza il basilico? La calamarata senza il tocco d’artista del prezzemolo? Il burro senza la salvia? Immaginate alcuni piatti senza origano o maggiorana? Ecco la prova irrefutabile: il Rosso ha bisogno del Verde e non viceversa.

21 may 2020

Anglès B2. Accèssit. Marta Quintana Campos

Specie,male in his mid-forties,alone on earth.Three years earlier a pandemic wiped out all trace of humanity.Miraculously there was a survivor.Adam,he spends his days collecting food from the supermarket and doing skateboarding in the museums completely naked.
A stormy night with heavy rain he was with his laptop in one of the mansions he had chosen when suddenly he received an email.Finally an answer!
he discovered that she was a woman,so he decided to travel to meet her.He traveled for moths,through different countries.He discovered that nature had taken over almost everything.Cities and buildings used to be cement grey and now it was all green and wild.
At last,Adam arrived at his destination and they decided to meet and have dinner in one of the best restaurants.They enjoyed a succulent dinner.After hours of conversation both decided to return to their place of origin.They concluded that it was better for the human race to become extinct.

20 may 2020

Anglès B2. Accèssit. Xisca Carbonell Ripoll

Roundly chunked, devil looked and most especially crowned and green.
Once upon a time, children had a lot of time to give face to it and they painted it mostly in this way.
It gave us an extra time beyond what we thought possible, even extremely more than nobody was able to envision but much less for those whose lives were ended because of the infection.
Governments had hardly believed in coping with a microscopic enemy instead of a nuke, terrorism or something bad invented by human beings.
But looking for a little piece of positivism in this nightmare, no one had imagined to live in countries with completely empty streets.
Even if we have a stroke of luck looking outside we might see ducks visiting a terrace, peacocks walking around the city or even dolphins enjoying their swimming near the sand of our beaches.
Is this bloody virus really green? I don't know. But let us think of it like a positive greener footnote in this terrible and unbelievable page of our lives.

19 may 2020

Català B1. Accèssit. Liúba Bennasar Marroig

"Fa anys, la Terra era un lloc meravellós. Tots vivíem en harmonia, però l'home (el ser més perillós que ha existit), va començar a destruir-la amb la seva brutícia, i ella va voler protegir-se, enviat-nos un virus mortal, l'any 2020.

Va començar a la Xina, però en pocs dies es va propagar per tot arreu. La gent moria, estava molt apesarada. Els governs ens van confinar a les cases per a evitar una propagació, només es podia sortir al carrer per anar als supermercats i farmàcies, que van romandre obertes durant el confinament.

Cada dia, els ciutadans sortíem als balcons per a homenatjar a totes aquelles persones que no van deixar de treballar per a protegir-nos.

Finalitzat el confinament, la Terra s'havia beneficiat, les fàbriques havien estat tancades, les autopistes buides... s'havia reduït la contaminació a un 80%! Els rius s'havien tornat transparents i l'aire més pur.

18 may 2020

Anglès C2. Accèssit. Lyudmila Plachkova

"GREEN After a month and a half of making up conversations in my head, in which the mere idea of talking to this mysterious girl seemed inconceivable, I finally got the courage to approach her. I will never forget the sparkle in her eyes when I sat next to her and said: “I am sorry for bothering you. I just wanted to say that you look gorgeous.” Little did I know that this is exactly what she needed to hear in this very moment. Her self-esteem was at its lowest.
It was then that I realized that there is nothing more beautiful than spontaneously approaching a stranger and being nice. In a time when we are the first to judge and the last to encourage those around us, it is more important than ever to be kind. At the end of the day, we all share the same struggles, which is reason enough to make a small effort and lift the spirit of the person next to you. You will never know how much of a positive impact you can have on someone’s life just by saying something nice. Until you do it."

17 may 2020

Italià C1. Accèssit. Juan Torres Ferragut

Non le piacevano affatto le canzonette di amori appassionati della sua giovinezza. Senz’altro preferiva i suoni della propria quotidianità: il canto degli uccelli o il rumore del vento, sempre portatore di auspici, a volte, anche inquietanti. Ma, sopra ogni cosa amava l’innocente cinguettare dei suoi bimbi. Ora che lei non c’era più, dopo aver preso, da alcuni anni, il sentiero senza ritorno che tutti, prima o poi, dobbiamo prendere, questi rememoravamo la dolcezza e musicalità della sua voce quando gli insegnava, paziente, ad ammirare le bellezze del mondo. Infatti, per loro fu facile imparare a riconoscere il verde perché verdi erano gli occhi belli della madre e lo cercavano dappertutto: nelle foreste selvagge o nei campi primaverili. Però, ogni volta, era più difficile trovarlo a causa dell’azione distruttrice e predatrice degli uomini. Nonostante ciò, non avrebbero mai dimenticato, come lei gli insegnò che il verde è anche il colore della speranza che non si deve perdere mai!

16 may 2020

Anglès b2. Relat guanyador. Benet Albertí Genovart

Sal was walking along the beach when she saw a beautiful green glass bottle that had been washed up on the shore with something inside it.
When she had a piece of paper from the bottle with a note in their hands she could read: “It’s 1966. I am sixteen years old. I have lived in a deserted island since the boat where me and my parents were sailing sunk. They died but I got to survive, I don’t know how. Please help me!”. Sal was astonished: “That man must be sixty-nine years old now!”

15 may 2020

Català A2 Relat guanyador. Maria del Carmen Romero Borrallo

El secret d’Alba.
Quan Alba va viatjar a Escòcia, no pensaba que un tros de tela la portaria a un lloc anomenat Clootie Well.
Alba tenia un tros de tela amb el seu nom des que era petita. Els seus pares que admiraven les Highlands van decidir cridar-la Alba perquè en gaèlic significa Escòcia.
Tenia 18 anys quan va viajar a Edimburg. Es va quedar en un alberg anomenat Another Room. Dins de l’alberg, un quadre va cridar la seva atenció. Era un arbre amb belles fulles verdes i nombrosos trossos de tela lligats a les seves branques. Alba va treure el seu tros de tela de la butxaca i va saber que havia de trobar aquell lloc.
Al cor d’Inverness hi ha un bosc anomenat Clootie Well on la gent demana desitjos als arbres i deixa trossos de tela amb els seus noms lligats a les branques.
La llegenda diu que el desig es compleix quan el tros de la tela cau de la branca amb el pas del temps.
Va ser així com el secret d’Alba es va convertir en un desig quan va lligar el seu tros de tela a una branca

14 may 2020

Anglès b2. Relat guanyador. Blas Guevara Caparrós

A finger pressed the keyboard key on. Where was I? The room was an icy white colour.
There were plenty of cables and screens surround me. I didn’t see clearly, only blur squared images and dull trembling colors. Afterwards I tried to move but I couldn’t. Why? Had I been in an accident? I didn’t remember anymore. I had to keep calm.
While I was hearing an annoying buzzing sound I felt another strong cramp. Then I heard some distant voices which I couldn’t understand them, in fact it looked like they were coming to me. Suddenly two pale shades wearing white gowns were in front of me: “Please doctor, what’s happened to me?” I asked, but it seemed as if nobody could hear me. Could I have been paraplegic? It was an awful nightmare.
It sounded like they were talking about my illness: “Is it broken?” One asked. “Yes, but sometimes it blinks. It’s useless, we should turn it off”. “No” I screamed, but a finger pressed the power off while the screen went black except for one last tiny green dot.

13 may 2020

Italià C1. Accèssit. Juan Torres Ferragut

Non le piacevano affatto le canzonette di amori appassionati della sua giovinezza. Senz’altro preferiva i suoni della propria quotidianità: il canto degli uccelli o il rumore del vento, sempre portatore di auspici, a volte, anche inquietanti. Ma, sopra ogni cosa amava l’innocente cinguettare dei suoi bimbi. Ora che lei non c’era più, dopo aver preso, da alcuni anni, il sentiero senza ritorno che tutti, prima o poi, dobbiamo prendere, questi rememoravamo la dolcezza e musicalità della sua voce quando gli insegnava, paziente, ad ammirare le bellezze del mondo.
Infatti, per loro fu facile imparare a riconoscere il verde perché verdi erano gli occhi belli della madre e lo cercavano dappertutto: nelle foreste selvagge o nei campi primaverili. Però, ogni volta, era più difficile trovarlo a causa dell’azione distruttrice e predatrice degli uomini.
Nonostante ciò, non avrebbero mai dimenticato, come lei gli insegnò che il verde è anche il colore della speranza che non si deve perdere mai!

12 may 2020

Anglès C1. Accèssit. Ana Maria Dora Parera


At a certain time, I realized how intelligent children were, having a private area like a treehouse or any hidden space far from boring and uninteresting objects.

I mulled that over and the clue came to me in a flash of inspiration. What if I could have my hidden area too? Why not? Yes, this was definitely a brilliant idea! From that moment on I started to build my imaginary green room where there would be no place for negative thoughts, absurd sentences or toxic people.

I filled my imaginary green room with thoughts that would bring me serenity, joyfulness and would keep my mind healthy. Remarks that could motivate me to learn, and of course, people I loved so much.

This is not a closed room at all, every day new events, dreams and people are included because this room has no physical limits, only my personal apretiation.

My green room is full of hope and it is actually my lifesaver.

11 may 2020

Anglès B1. Relat guanyador. Maria del Carmen Romero Borrallo

Alba's secret.
When Alba travelled to Scotland, she never thought that a piece of cloth would take her to a place called Clootie Well.
Alba had a piece of cloth with her name since she was little. Her parents who admired the Highlands decided to call her Alba because in Gaelic it means Scotland.
When she was 18 years old she travelled to Edinburgh. She spent the first night in a hostel called Another Room. Inside the hostel, a painting caught her attention. It was a tree with beautiful green leaves and many pieces of cloth tied on its branches. Alba took her piece of cloth from her pocket and she knew she had to find that place.
At the heart of Inverness there is a forest called Clootie Well where people ask for wishes to the trees and leave pieces of cloth with their names tied on the branches.
Legend says that the wish is fulfilled when the piece of cloth falls from the branch over time.
And that was how Alba's secret became a wish when she tied her piece of cloth to a branch.

10 may 2020

Anglès A2. Accèssit. Rocío Molina Ortega

In the morning, Jon got up early and he saw through the window a horse had running across the green field. However the horse was approaching the house, he knew it was a wild animal. Jon fed her an apple and the horse wont than both went to walk in the green meadow. They both needed friens and together they kept company.

9 may 2020

Anglès B2. Accèssit. Bernat Ferrer Mayol


It was the month of march, it was cold, windy and rainy. I stayed at home. I was having a lot of time to clean my library, my desk full of papers and bank statements. Time to order my wardrobe because soon, just in a few days, the spring had to arrive
Suddenly, a few days ago I realized the green and flowery spring have arrived. I noticed from my window the smells of the flowers and wonderful birdsongs. I was confined at home due to coronavirus. Usually I was going twice a week to keep my little friends the bees, but I musn’t visit them now. Spring is the most special season for these sort of insects which are crucial for pollination and consequently to have fruits and vegetables.
Luckily I discovered that acording to the local government I am a registered beekeper with beehives and therefore I can visit and take care of them this harsh quarantine.

8 may 2020

Francès B. Relat guanyador. Juan Luis Jaramillo Torrús

- Maman, pourquoi tout le monde se prépare pour la guerre?
- Il n’y a pas d’autre option. Il y a très longtemps, les hommes et nous vivions ensemble, on respectait la nature. Aujourd’hui, ils pensent seulement à eux. Leur technologie et leur commodité sont plus importants que l’environnement.
Les soldats préparaient leurs armes. Des arcs, des épées et des animaux.
- Mais la planète est la maison de tous. Pourquoi on ne peut pas parler?
- Nous avons essayé mais il n’est plus possible. Ils sont sourds à la voix de la nature. Ils se sont éloigné tellement de nous qu’ils pensent que nous n’existons pas. Ils nous appellent “créatures fantastiques”. Ils ne nous voient plus, justement au côté d'eux.
L’armée était vraiment hétérogène. Il y avait des dryades, des elfes, des gnomes… Tous sentaient la détermination de protéger la planète. Mais ils avaient l’air triste.
- Mais…
- Il est trop tard. La marche verte commence.
Les gens de la forêt étaient prêts et marchaient vers les cités humaines…

7 may 2020

Anglès B1. Relat guanyador. Loles Rodríguez Díaz

"It’s strange but we haven’t seen him since we had lunch together in UIB few days ago. Now his image comes to my mind and I realize that he wasn’t wearing his green-lucky cap and he looked too quiet. Exams have been hard and probably he might not pass them, like me.
His intensity and his behavior with her always bothered me but he looks at her differently and he is friendlier with me lately.
Suddenly my phone rings. I can’t recognize if they are kidding. It can’t be, we always play jokes, but that….that is too much.
And there it is, his body as an empty proof of pride, pain and guilt. A lonely body in a room full of people who hardly knew him, just like me. Standing I’m still enough strength to be angry with him, like when he used to despise her and I didn’t understood it. Because he didn’t allow us to understand him and forgive each other.
Today I just wish him that wherever he is there’s no more roller coasters.

6 may 2020

Anglès B1. Accèssit. Liliana Carolina Gómez Tarazona

Dedicated to my brother:
""One day I opened my eyes and I woke up in a reality that I never imagined, but there I was giving my face for my family. I was starting my three days journey to Colombia to buy food, I had been doing it since two years because in Venezuela you was not able to buy nothing. I woke up at five in the morning and was already on the bus which will carry me across the country to a city close to the border, near the paths called trochas that I would walk to the Simon Bolivar Bridge to get to Cucuta, bags in hand I began to walk towards Colombia, buying the food and carrying it on my back I began my way back, I had until 9 pm, closing time of the brigde to get there, I could not distracted because the bus to return home awaits to us. My treasure was with me, the green color of hope always had been with me"".
The life of many Venezuelans is like that, they walk for their lives like my brother. I call them the green walkers, because the hope always identifies them.   

5 may 2020

Àrab B. Relat guanyador. Miquel Caldentey

"الرجل الذي كان قرأ كتاب ألف ليلة وليلة كتب في الصفحة الأخيرة بالقلم الأخضر الكلمات التالية
ملاك سليمان هوكبستان البحر الأبيض المتوسط على طاولة العشاء
بينما تعطر برتقل أنفاسي من الذكور في الحب
وأضع يدي على الأرض
وأعصر العصيرالذي يقطرالعالم على
أمسيات الصيف
وبعد ظهر الشتاء
والليالي البيضاء
تحت خيمة النجوم
وفجأة بكتابة الحرف الأحير تحول الرجل إلى شلالا في وسط غابة خضراء في شرق الفردوس"

4 may 2020

Anglès C1. Relat guanyador. Eugenia Elia

A memory
Her green eyes amazed me the moment I saw her. A long reddish mane fell over a silk blouse, almost porcelain skin and a smile that told me I had seen her before.
I went to ask for the tickets, she gave me a small piece of paper folded over on itself, just before the train stopped. When I opened the paper she was getting off the train. It was a photo of the two of us. 

3 may 2020

Català B1. Accèssit. Àngel Cortès i Aguiló

Full en blanc

Aviat es faran les vuit, vull escriure unes línies al meu amic Eduard, però no tenc el cap en aquests moments per fer-ho, se sent ja pel carrer la sirena del cotxe de protecció civil amb sa estrident megafonia, ens dóna les gràcies als veïns, que continuem, que no ens desanimem, però pens amb el meu amic, he d’escriure’l unes paraules d’ànims, li vull dir que se’n sortirà, que tengui esperança, la gent des dels balcons aplaudeix amb força, però el full continua en blanc. A la ràdio les notícies no són bones. La música al carrer sona molt fort, des dels balcons es veu gent alegre, nins molt petits del braç de la mare, és la festa de cada nit. El full segueix en blanc, vull mentir al meu amic, que tot va bé, que no s’ensorri, que aviat tot això passarà i podrem donar-nos abraçades i uns bons cops a l’esquena com feiem abans. Sona el tic característic d’un missatge al mòbil . Finalment el full quedarà en blanc. 

2 may 2020

Anglès B1. Accèssit. Juan Miguel Gil Fernández


I was walking around and started listening to the radio when they interrupted to give news...

Be careful and do virus prevention! they said through my headphones.
What's going on? I was wondering.
You must be in bed for at least 4 or 5 days and take antipyretics they kept saying.
Nah! it's not a big deal! I was saying to my self.

Wake up, John! sleeping so much won't make the Coronavirus go away! my partner told me.
-Oh, baby, I was in a good dream when...

1 may 2020

Italià B1. Relat guanyador. Mateu Garcia Bennasar

La fine di questo maledetto giorno sta arrivando: tutto il giorno di corsa da qui a lì, lavorando. In questo momento sono così stanco che i miei occhi mi pesano come lapidi del cimitero.

Sembra una bugia che più sono stanco più difficile è addormentarmi... finalmente. Nel mio pensiero, posso vedere un mondo verde, ma anche alcune aree sterili, ma quello che vedo di più è un intenso colore azzurro che invade ovunque. È una visione speciale, gratificante e rilassante, ma gli spazi verdi sono ciò che attira la mia attenzione "Mi piace questo colore" quindi mi rendo conto che nel mio sogno sto sorvolando il nostro pianeta, e mi chiedo perché si chiamerà TERRA? Perché il suo colore è blu, allora mi rendo conto che viviamo tutti insieme e che siamo tutti uno.

Mi sveglio pronto a lavorare e correre di nuovo, mi domando se questo dovrebbe essere davvero il mio lavoro.

Ho un pensiero: spero che questo verde copra sempre più spazio in questo globo che è casa nostra.
È il nostro compito.