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24 abr 2020

Anglès B2. Relat guanyador. Aina Suengas Mulet

After being confined for weeks Aylin put on her favourite green t-shirt and a big smile on her face. Aylin didn’t know when this situation was going to finish but she already knew what she was going to do the first day of liberty.

Those days had been strange, everything you usually do was forbidden, one day, unexpectedly, you can’t go to groceries, you can’t go for a walk, not even go in the car with a friend. It’s even impossible to kiss or hug your parents or your partner. But at the same time those changes had a positive part, it seemed like the planet had taken a break, the climate change had stopped its growth, those countries whose residents had opposite political ideals had been fighting together against the virus and those who had been invisible had turned into heroes.

When Aylin arrived at the door she opened it briskly and entered. When she saw Aylin, suddenly started crying. Aylin answered by starting running to hug her as quick as possible.
-Hi grandma, I’ve missed you!