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31 jul 2023



L'estança està presidida per una lluna de vidre que penja de la paret. Aferrada al mirall, una vella fotografia amb la instantània d'una mare i una filla. La dona observa l'escena amb enyorança i després s'emmiralla. Porta una samarreta amb una lletra imaginària, dibuixada al mig: la erra del nom matern, Rosa; la erra de rebel·lia; la erra de respecte. No és un ramell de virtuts. Un temps va supeditar l'amor propi a una lleialtat malentesa. Ara, viu en present i sense pors.

28 jul 2023



"La rosa è il simbolo dell'amore, dell'amicizia e del dolore. Ci sono tante leggende intorno a questo fiore, una di esse attribuita a Cupido, che ritiene che la rosa sia nata dal sorriso del dio (le spine sarebbero frecce del dio bambino).

Ha diversi significati dipendendo dal colore : quella rossa significa passione e amore (puro e travolgente), ma la si può regalare in segno di rispetto. Quella rosa simboleggia l'amicizia e l'amore timido dall'inizio di una relazione. Quella bianca significa purezza, innocenza e simpatia. Secondo una leggenda greca, le rose bianche furono create dalla dea Afrodite e nacquero dalla schiuma del mare. Per i celti un cespuglio di rose bianche sulla tomba dei cari simboleggia la pace e la felicità nel mondo oltre. Si racconta anche che nel Cielo tutte le rose erano bianche, ma divennero rosse dalla vergogna quando Dio cacciò via dal Paradiso Adamo ed Eva. In ogni caso la rosa bianca è il classico fiore nuziale e rappresenta virtù e purezza."

27 jul 2023



薔薇の姫* "*カレーンドラ、薔薇の姫*



あるわさ、大学に行く乱雑があります。シバコルンという、新しい 交換留学生は大学に入学します。全部机を並は叫びます。




26 jul 2023


 La rosa e i garofani

"Molto tempo fa, c'e stato un giardino pieno di fiori. Questi, sono stati garofani di tutti i colori: rossi, rosa, bianchi. 

Tra loro, c'e stata una rosa blu. La rosa è stata triste perché nessuno parlava con lei, inoltre, si è sentita diversa dagli altri. Lei ha avuto spine e altri, non le hanno avute, né sono state dello stesso colore.

Un giorno, il giardino è stato visitato da una piccola bambina. Questa, ha guardato la rosa molto tempo e, i garofani non hanno capito il per ché di questo fatto.

La bambina l'ha capito e ha detto a voce alta:"" LE DIFFERENZE SONO QUELLO CHE CI FA BELLI E UNICI"".

Sicome i garofani hanno capito quello che la bambina gli ha detto, hanno iniziato a guardare la bellezza della rosa e, questa, mai più è stata triste."

25 jul 2023



I went to meet him somewhat nervously, it was the first time I had done something like that. I asked her to follow me to my office and she agreed. ""Have a seat"" I said. She put the cell phone in her pocket of her pink jacket and stared at me: ""I'm here because of that idiot of Michael, right?"" ""No doubt his company has caused you trouble"". No more words were needed, we signed the settlement and I asked her to clear her desk. She picked up the photo of last August with Laura and Marc from the desk, and one by one said goodbye to all the staff. When we got home we acted as if nothing had happened.

24 jul 2023



Façades tapissées de suie, bruit de moteurs, flaques épaisses avec un arc-en-ciel d’huile. Dans une fissure sur le ciment, au coin de la Rue de la Désespération, la rose avait crû. 

Inespérée, obstinée, luttant jour après jour contre la poussière et la fumée, elle chatoyait comme le soleil. Les voisins la regardaient étonnés, presque avec vénération, sa volonté d’être les laissaient perplexes.

Un jour, les yeux ont regardé le trottoir et ils virent seulement la fissure et ils devinrent gris, vitreux. Personne ne savait quelle fut sa fin. 

Peut-être un amant passait vers un rendez-vous urgent avec l’amour et il la prit.

Peut-être une fille l’effeuillait lorsqu’elle eut découvert douloureusement l’absence de l’autre, sachant qu’elle devait perdre. 

Peut-être le maire la trouvée révolutionnaire, turbulente et il l’a renversée avec son camion. 

Ou la brise chaleureuse d’un soir, en plier le coin, se prit ses feuilles sèches, ses graines avides chemin d’une autre fissure, d’un autre monde. 

21 jul 2023


 The Betrayal of Ava: A Rose's Revenge

Ava loved her roses, but they brought her no joy after her husband, Matthew, cheated on her with her best friend, Isabella. Ava confronted them, but they denied everything. Consumed by betrayal and heartbreak, Ava planned her revenge.

One evening, Ava invited Matthew and Isabella over for dinner. After they finished their meal, Ava revealed her plan. She summoned a rose monster that attacked Matthew and Isabella, consuming them.

As Ava watched the rose monster devour her former loved ones, she realized too late that her beloved roses had been controlling her all along. She had been consumed by their vengeful spirit, and now, she too would fall prey to their power.

As she felt the thorns of the roses pierce her skin, Ava knew that her own fate was sealed. The roses continued to bloom, claiming another victim in their cycle of vengeance.

20 jul 2023



I was very young and one day returning from school I found a very small cat in the street. From that moment we had many adventures for 17 long years. I often carried  the little cat  with me in my bag and also in my car. Everyone knew her. 

I still remember when, with a lot of effort, she managed to get on my bed and before falling asleep forever, she looked at me for the last time with her beautiful blue eyes. Her name was Sheyla and she was my best friend.

I buried her in the garden of the my house and right there, after about a year, a wonderful plant was born that made a beautiful PINK flower. 

Even today, every year it blooms again, right in Spring .

I'm sure it's her essence that transforms. 

19 jul 2023


 A piece of advice

"There she was, getting ready for her meeting, in front of her large mirror. Until she came.

- What are you looking at!

- …

- Oh, really?! You’re just going to stay muted like always? Like nothing happened?

- …

- Is it me? I guess you’re not responding because I’m neither enough for you nor for your magnificent future, which is made up with soft and expensive fabrics. Neither for your frantic trips. I'm not even good enough to appear on your online broadcasts, because your reality is not appealing. Then, what are you actually showing your viewers?

- …

- Your existence is disgusting. Don't you see it?! Can’t you even look at me? Can you get rid of that tool?

- …

- I shouldn't have lost my time with this. You're lost into that device. Now that you're addicted to it, you'll continue feeding that addiction. I guess I never truly knew you.

After this monologue she turned around, slammed the door and left behind the pink mirror in which she was reflecting her monstrous fear: her reality."

18 jul 2023


 Follia Rosa

"Questa storia ebbe inizio quando all´improvviso mi resi conto che fui rinchiusa in un´istituzione psichiatrica, allora la chiamavano ` asilo per lunatici ´. Motivo rappresentato sull´informe della cosidetta struttura: ` Paziente con quadro schizofrenico acuto transitorio  allega di avere stretti rapporti con il colore rosa´.

Pensai: - Ma dov´è finita la categoria del senso comune?

Dintorni! Nebbie! Mica mi sto lasciando stringere dalle mani della Certa!

Perché il colore rosa poteva essere facilmente letta e collegata alla più fragile delle follie?

All´epoca tutti avevamo deliri che assumevano certe forme! E allora?

Mi sentii così ineffabile in quella situazione che decisi di chiudere con il Rosa.

Anni dopo, una volta dimessa, mi fu detto che ero addirittura daltonica!"

17 jul 2023


 It was just a season

beginning of winter

It was cloudy. My grandmother’s hair was greasy; I had to use four pumps of shampoo to clean it properly. I used to enjoy her silvery hair when I was little, it shined like a jewel in the sun. I took her mane of now white hair and brushed it carefully. She touched my hand and whispered something that I could not hear. She had a beautiful garden, with flowers that bloomed in every season. I used to hide from everyone behind her while she was pruning her trees; I felt protected and somehow bigger. I took her out of the bathtub and wrapped her under a rough towel. It was cold so we took a soup for lunch, lit the fireplace and shared an orange. 

ending of winter

It was still cloudy. Grayish days. Tiny snowflakes making circles turned into thin layers of snow. There was a brief lull so I decided to step out of my house and shovel the snow off my entryway. I dug into some bushes, and there it was, a single rose. I could hear my neighbors' children playing. I felt her.

14 jul 2023


 Восьмого чуда света

"Когда Жанна говорила, что у неё была очень интересная работа, никто не подозревал, что она занималась кражей предметов искусства. В детстве, когда девочка осиротела, ей пришлось столкнуться с большими трудностями, и единственной возможностью выжить для неё стали кражи. Жанна начала воровать самое необходимое: еду, одежду... 

Когда ей исполнилось двадцать лет, девушка стала воровать предметы искусства и драгоценности. Пять лет спустя она достигла вершины своей карьеры и превратилась в самую известную грабительницу в мире искусства. 

Её карьера закончилась раньше времени, после того как во время кражи в известной французской галерее, раньше времени сработала сирена и на сигнал приехала полиция. В ту ночь она не смогла украсть знаменитый бриллиант в форме розы, найденный в Ботсване. Но Жанна решила не сдаваться и украсть бриллиант ""Восьмое чудо света"", как только выйдет из тюрьмы."

13 jul 2023










12 jul 2023


 Un momento magico

Era un giorno come gli altri.  Ho camminato nei boschi vicino a casa mia.  Ho visto una porta rossa e ho voluto aprirla.  Non ho pensato che mi avrebbe portato in un posto così meraviglioso.  Mi ha dato la possibilità di ricongiungermi con mia nonna cinque anni dopo la sua morte.

11 jul 2023


 Rosa ist nur eine Farbe

"Der Junge hatte heute Geburtstag. Schon 3 Jahre alt! In der Schule würde er eine riesige Krone bekommen. Die Kronen waren immer aus feiner Pappe, mit Aufklebern dekoriert und dem Alter des Kindes als große Zahl. Die Lehrerin machte alles. Warum? Keine Ahnung. Sticker hinzufügen, das ist nicht kompliziert! Es gab nur eine Sache, die die Kinder wählen konnten: die Farbe der Krone.

- Rosa! Hat er gesagt, echt aufgeregt.

Aber die Lehrerin wusste immer alles besser.

- Nein! Du bist ein Junge und Rosa ist eine Farbe, die nur Mädchen tragen.

Er hat eine orange Krone bekommen, denn orange ist gut für Jungen, das weiß jeder.

Als seine Mutter ihn abgeholt hat, war er eigentlich nicht so zufrieden.

- Mama -hat er gesagt- Rosa ist nur eine Farbe. Nächstes Jahr erzählen wir es der Lehrerin und endlich bekomme ich eine rosa Krone.

Schön, dass Kinder alles so klar sehen. Und dass im folgenden Jahr die neue Lehrerin ihm zugehört hat.

Schade, dass es eine wahre Geschichte ist."

10 jul 2023


 The roses

"Rosa had always loved living on her own. She had a small apartment in the city, and she enjoyed spending her evenings reading books and watching movies.

But one night, when she was ready for bed, she noticed something strange. There was a single rose on her pillow. It was a beautiful pink rose, but Rosa couldn't figure how it had arrived there.

She checked the windows and doors, but everything was locked. There was no sign of anyone, and everything was in its place. Rosa tried to shake off the feeling of uneasiness that she had in her stomach, but she couldn't ignore the strange occurrence. She put the rose in a vase and tried to forget it.

But the next night, when she came home from work, there was another rose on her pillow. This time, it was a deep red colour. She checked the apartment thoroughly over and over again, but no one else was there.

As the nights went by, more roses kept appearing. Each one was a different colour. Rosa started to feel like she was going crazy. "

7 jul 2023



"Temps enrere, un home que es deia Jordi viatjava pel món comerciant amb coses exòtiques. Un dia es va aturar al petit poble de Jericó. Al mercat de vila, una bonica dona envoltada de flors va captar la seva mirada. Jordi va oferir matrimoni a Rosina. Ella va refusar, però va acceptar vendre-li totes les flors.

L’any vinent, quan Jordi va tornar, travessant un dens mant de plantes músties, es va topar amb Rosina que estava tombada a la fresca. Ell volia comprar-li totes les roses per cultivar-les a les terres que adquirí a Espanya, però aquell any no hi va haver collita degut als forts vents. Li va tornar a oferir matrimoni, però Rosina s’havia promès amb el Sr. Mates. Jordi mai hi va tornar.

Anys després, Rosina va veure al mercat un carruatge de roses. El seu home havia mort, així que va demanar al comerciant per anar amb ell a Espanya.

Què va ser primer la rosa o Rosina? Rosina va ser primer que la rosa, i primer que el llit de roses, la rosa del vents, el roser i Roses a Espanya."

6 jul 2023


 L'enfant et Paris

Le fleuve, la Seine, fait un pas dans Paris.

C'est la ville où le soleil d'été tombe.

Le soleil fait que l'eau ressemble à un miroir où un enfant regarde son visage.

Il pleure quand le soir arrive.

Une personne lui sourit et le console.

Elle s'appelle Rose. Elle lui demande pourquoi tu pleures?

Il répond qu'il attend l'arrivée du printemps.

Alors il court vite et il rit avec l'espoir de rencontrer les fleurs.

5 jul 2023




我是一朵玫瑰但是我在郁金香的地方.这个地方对我不好。 郁金香很简单, 它们都很高兴, 郁金香从不生气

但我不一样. 我有我的想法和感受. 当我生气时,我会变成……黄蜂、刺猬……仙人掌!我不知道为什么我在这 为什么我不可以去法国跟我家在一起

哦!三个西班牙人刚到, 两男一女 他们穿很现代衣服。 他们看到我说“这个太完美了!” 现在我们在马德里,他们正在写一首关于我的歌

4 jul 2023



火よう日にすずきさんとともだちはこうえんにいきました。こうえんに二時間半さんぷをしました。こうえんにはたくさんきれいなはながありました。すずきさん は 大きいばらを見ました。すずきさんは山田さんを見たかったです。山田さんはいけなば ができます 。山田さんははなが大すきです。こうえんに人々がいました。でも、すずきさんは山田さんを見ませんでした。山田さんはすずきさんのがっこうにいきます。すずきさんは山田さんとともだちになりたいです、山田さんはきれいですから。

きのうはがっこうで山田さんと話しました。すずきさんは とてもたのしかったです。山田さん はすずきさんに山田さんのしゅみを言いました。山田さんのしゅみはおもしろいです。しゅみはえいが見ることです。山田さんはおんがくも聞くのが大すきです。すずきさんはピアノをひくことができます。山田さんはピアノをひくことがあまりできません。でも、山田さんはべんきょうしたいです。すずきさんは山田さんとピアノをひきたいです。あしたいっしょにべんきょうしたいです。すずきさんはとてもたのしいです。あした すずきさんは大きいばらを  山田さんに かいたいです。すずきさんと山田さんはこうえんにいきます。いっしょにはなを見ます。すずきさんは山田さんが大すきですから。いまうちですずさんはともだちとロマンチックなおかがくお聞きます。ともだちは 「ラブ・イズ・イン・ザ・エア」を 言います。

3 jul 2023

Bon estiu!




Nel cielo si vedevano piccoli ma vibranti punteggi di colori: viola, arancioni, verdi, gialli, azzurri, blu, rosso e tanti altri. Le mongolfiere indicavano l’inizio della primavera e Bianca lo sapeva. Di fronte al computer del suo ufficio, e guardando dalla finestra, voleva uscire, andare via, scappare, respirare l’aria calda della stagione e sentirsi libera. Sapeva che presto sarebbe andata in campagna e non poteva più aspettare. Se chiudeva gli occhi, poteva sentire l'odore della natura, soprattutto quello di ogni rosa che arredava il vaso del salotto della casa familiare e che profumava tutta la stanza. Quanto lo amava. E così, immersa nei suoi pensieri, un sottile sorriso di sollievo si è disegnato e, più leggera, ha continuato a lavorare.