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20 abr 2023


 "The Bath of the Eden"

When I was a child, my family used to visit my grandmother who lived alone in a big house in the country. She was a mysterious woman because there was a room that everyone was forbidden to enter: the bathroom of the 2nd floor. I once asked her about this and she answered me: “Do you see all these flowers?”. There were always many flowers in the house, like roses. “There lives a fairy who makes the flowers grow and smelly, like in a paradise. That’s why you never have to go in there, he hates to be disturbed". One night, something woke me up: a sweet and intense fragrance. It came from the forbidden room. My curiosity was insatiable. Inside, there was a bath filled with water and flowers and a man was submerged. His hair was as long as the roots of a tree. He opened his eyes and looked at me. He smelled like roses. Suddenly, the bath was empty, everything had disappeared. That day, he cursed me. I can’t smell or taste anything. Everything I can smell, all I can taste, now is roses.