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30 jun 2021

Català C2. Accèssit. Clara Oliver Duran

Com et vesteixes per anar a acomiadar a l’amor de la teva vida?

Em pos el jersei calent, els calçons i les botes de pell desgastades. A mi tant m’és si la bufanda fa bolla, si les sabates no llueixen. El meu cap és ben lluny d’aquí, vora el llit de l’habitació 342.

Què berenes el dia que vas a dir adéu al teu pare?

Les torrades esperen damunt el plat. La meva mirada va més enllà de la finestra, més enllà de l’any 2020 que ens ha capgirat el món de dalt a baix. Només se’m succeeixen records de tota una vida.

Què hauries de fer el darrer matí del teu padrí?

Em pos a escriure, imagin què sentirà la meva família. Sé que si empàs saliva, les llàgrimes que tremolen als meus ulls s'escaparan. Don gràcies pel darrer matí que vaig acompanyar-te, amb l’arc de sant Martí que guaitava i la teva cançó de Mocedades a tot volum.

Em costarà no trobar-te al menjador, entre la partida de cartes i el partit de futbol. Ves remenant que ara venc. Avui, més que mai, la partida anirà teva.

29 jun 2021

Català C2. Accèssit. Borja Crucelaegui Ojanguren

Tampoc no estic demanant gaire

Tira-tira m’hi acostum, a aquest nou hàbitat. Els meus ulls ja comencen a entreveure l’entorn. Hi ha una dona que plora com una magdalena i un home caigut a terra com si s’hagués desmaiat de l’emoció. Una gernació proveïda de bates taronges no deixa de fer-me proves. Mentrestant, els que deuen ser els meus pares, la que plora a llàgrima viva i l’home moll que no havia suportat la pressió, ja decideixen la meva vida.

De cop i volta m’adon que som nina. Quin suplici m’espera! No vull que em vesteixin de color de rosa ni que em tractin com una princesa. No vull que em facin jugar amb pepes ni que em regalin cap cuineta. No vull tenir por d’arribar a les tantes a casa ni haver de mirar cap enrere per si qualcú m’encalça. No vull que el meu amor sigui tòxic ni que m’ordeni que em llevi la minifaldilla. No vull empolainar-me i que diguin que som una escalfabraguetes. No ho vull! Mare, torna a obrir les cames que jo me’n torn per on he vengut.

28 jun 2021

Català A2. Accèssit. Carla Valdés Carrasco

Assassina!, cridava l'Enric mentre fuetejava amb ràbia a la seva filla per ser ella la que havia sobreviscut al part, però amb cura de no matar-la, perquè si la Laia moria, l'Enric perdria el seu únic propòsit: arrossegar-la a l'infern que ell vivia.

Però ignorava que res podria fer la Laia infeliç, perquè ella ocultava un gran secret: havia trobat l'amor vertader.
Com cada nit, va fugir sigil·losament, si l'Enric es despertava i la seguia... veuria que la seva estimada era una noia, i negre!, No!, no volia imaginar el que els faria.
En arribar a la cova va encendre un foc i, com sempre, ja hi era, asseguda amb aquell cos escanyolit. “Has de menjar més, no vull que et moris" va dir la Laia. Ella mai responia, la Laia suposava que era muda, però no importava, gaudia de la seva companyia.
Mai es quedava massa temps, per precaució. "Fins demà, t'estim" va dir la Laia en apagar el foc. La seva estimada no va sortir, de vegades la Laia es demanava si sempre es quedava allà, esperant-la.

27 jun 2021

Català A1. Accèssit. Ramón Martos Oliver


Sento com se me'n calfreda l’espatlla. Mà trèmula. Els ulls no troben més llocs on fixar el desig, que s’aferra al meu pit com un nadó al de la seua mare i als meus més fondos xiulets de dubte, plaer i somni. Les sabates ofeguen els punts pre-ferits dels xinesos, reflexologia de l’ànima, punts d’energia d'una natura mística, d’una ciència màgica, ara, vertaders com els calfreds i la música. Tots, els meus òrgans ballen al so d'aquesta mena de simfonia de malsons coberts de mel de flors. Perquè per se no s’està malament a un malson, de vegades pareix un floc de neu a la riba, llum apagant la soledat, més no pareix si no és massa pics un joc de triler. Perquè l’amor és malson i oasis i oasis o malson de cop i volta, calitja i ànsia, vent i raig de llum; de cop un vint de Març. Juro que puc imaginar com seran els pròxims vint o trenta anys, i a les a hores d'ara, a l’anvers, fa temps vaig llegir a les pàgines del meu ferit saber com tot això va terminar ahir, o bé mai va començar.

26 jun 2021

Català A1. Accèssit. Fiona Simonet Munté

La cerca de l'amor

Estic cercant l'amor de la meva vida, la meva meitat, la persona que em farà feliç.

Exploro grans boscos i escalo altes muntanyes. Cerco sota les pedres, dins les coves, fins i tot en el fons dels llacs. Pregunto a tots i cada un dels animals on està el meu amor, però cap em sap contestar.

M’acosto a un penya-segat, agafo aire i tanco els ulls per sentir la calma. De repent sento una sensació molt estranya, una llum blanca surt del meu interior i s'endinsa dins el bosc. Crec que hauria de seguir-la, pot ser em durà fins el meu amor.

Segueixo l’estrella brillant sense dubtar, tinc clar on vaig i no tinc por de fracassar. La llum s'ha aturat davant d’una petita casa de fusta, segur que el meu amor és allà. Obro la porta sense temor.

Però el que he trobat és molt millor que el que jo cercava, no és l’amor de la meva vida, sino la cosa més valuosa del món, que s’ha anat formant durant tot aquest llarg viatge, és l’amor propi, l’únic que em fa falta per ser feliç.

25 jun 2021

Català A1. Accèssit. Paula Ferra Guillot

Et trobaré a faltar, no té cap sentit mentir a hores d'ara. Trobaré a faltar la teva veu i la teva presència, aquelles nits baix la llum de la lluna i els nostres viatges per l'illa.

Res va sortir com el que teníem planejat.
Et conec massa per saber que no m'escriuràs, que ni tan sols m'enviaràs un missatge. Milers de vegades he intentat trobar-te, i desconec si ara ho he fet, o només són simples restes del que un dia vares arribar a ser. Aquesta és la meva darrera esperança de recuperar tot allò que fórem.
Voldràs oblidar-me i no tenir cap fil unit al teu passat. Creuràs que et vaig fallar. Que no vaig tenir el valor suficient. Són tants els moments en què he pensat a canviar el succeït, en tornar a fer la nostra història sense les ombres de la mentida.
Per què els vares creure? Què és el que et varen dir? No fou suficient l'amor que vàrem viure junts per demostrar-t'ho? Tinc la certesa que t'he perdut, t'he perdut del tot; però no puc deixar-te anar, encara no.

24 jun 2021

Àrab A1. Accèssit. Melvin Vermeulen

 نينا - Nina
كُل لَيل لي حُلْم.
في الحُلْم أَسْمعُكِ ولَكِن لا أُشاحِدُكِ.
في الظَلام أُسافِر مَعَكِ مِن الرِمال الصَحاري إلى المَسَلات النُجوم.
عِبْر البِحَيْرات الكُهوف وعِبْر القُصور الذَهَبي.
أَحْياناً نَتَحَدَّث عَن الصُخور الحَبال وعَن الأَمْواج البَحار.
عَن الشَواطئ البَحْر الوَحيدا وعَن القِمَم الجِبال المُثْلَج.
أَحياناً لا نتكلَّم ولَكِن أَحْصِل عَليهُكِ بِالبَحَث.
أَبْحَث عَنْكِ إِلى اللأبَد في البَتَلات الزُهور وفي الأَشْكَل السَحاب.
في الفُروع الأَشْجار وفي الأَقْلام الطُيور.
النَهْر تَمَنيَّاتي أَكْبَر مِن النَهْر النَيل.
أَتَحَمَّم في عَطَرُكِ الوَرود.
أُحِبُّكِ فَأَنْتِ النافورة حُبِّي.
بِدون حُضورُكِ, لا عَنْدي الطاقة.
الظَلام يأَكُلَني.
كَم ساءات بِدون أَنْتِ!
أَسْتَيقَظ وأَجِدَّ وَجْهُكِ.
شَعَرُكِ الذَهَبي وبَشَرَتُكِ مُسْمَرة.
عَيونُكِ الصافي وأَسْنانُكِ البَياض.
شُكْراً لله, أَنا مُسْتَيقِظ.

23 jun 2021

Anglès C2. Accèssit. Coloma Borràs Cerdà

 An announced breakup story

‘Is not you, it’s me’ she told him. A worn-out cliché, whatever he did would be like water off a duck’s back. Had he only known before how their relationship had diverted, he had done whatever to fix it. His kindness towards her had generally been beyond belief.

Going backwards, he recalled that their love story hadn’t been a normal one. When they met, he just struck the right note. Afterwards, their relationship was far from being balanced. Little did he know that he would always give much more than her.

However, despite nobody had given a penny for them, they had been married for thirty years and they had built a steady family. All things considered, she couldn’t complain at all, he had always played second fiddle in the couple.
Nevertheless, it was time for both to move on. Only for this time, he would call the tune. Making a peaceful divorce would be the best for his daughter’s sake.

In the end, it had always been an announced breakup story.

22 jun 2021

Anglès C2. Accèssit. Yolanda Aznar Carbo

- Mary: “Love of my life, you've hurt me,.."
- Vincent: There's no cure for you, my “herb”. Always humming sappy music.
- M: Had I known you were going to be so far, I wouldn’t have chosen to get married to you, my beloved.
- V: Long time no hear! Indeed, you're overreacting again. It’s quite usual not being able to express myself without you make a scene.
- M: But, I miss you terribly Vin!
- V: Good grief! woman, despite your skills in the art of driving to despair are positively occult, me too.
- M: One of the hardest things to do in life, is letting go of what you though was real.
- V: Living here was a dream come true but maybe you're right, and it won’t be anymore.
- M: Anyway, everyone needs to inject themselves every day of fantasy not to die of reality. It may sound simple, yet it couldn't be closer from the truth.
- V: Actually, since I've passed away, hearing my voice is what make you come to your senses. Otherwise, that ghastly and hopeless sorrow has already kill you.

21 jun 2021

Anglès C2. Accèssit. Lourdes Portaña

The man raised his arms to the sky and Bella stood up on its hind legs. Suzanne could not stop the dog which was full of an unrecognizable energy. Twice hands up and the female dog set down completely lifting her front legs. “Bellaaa!!!!”- Shouted strongly the man from above. “What the hell?!- Said Suzanne running after Bella, which was already on the way to the houses. Minutes later, exhausted by the race behind Bella, Suzanne realized the friendship of her dog with the estranger. “Are you a peddler, man?”- she thought with arrogance. But they were on the way to another different house, where the strong signal of the other dog was coming from. Bella´s instinct brought them to Mistral, in a chaotic and indestructible loved reunion. “Oh, my dearest friends”- said the young man with his eyes in tears. - “The circus is back!”

20 jun 2021

Anglès C1.2. Accèssit. Ana Maria Dora Parera

Small gesture, touching memories

I must admit that I have been running many times from one place to another looking for pets, toys, games, in the belief that it would bring supreme and lasting happiness to my beloved ones. However, no sooner had I arrived home after several hours of hard searching than I knew, in the depths of my heart, it had not been worth having spent so much time away from the people I loved the most. Not only was I exhausted, but I was also in a bad mood. Besides, the joy over the presents could last a day, at best. It was the last straw. I noted that and from them on I decided to change my way of proceeding with the certainty that it is the small gestures of love that will become undying and touching memories. What will be with us throughout our life are the brushstrokes of tenderness in which what really matters is being close to each other. Material things fade over time, unlike the devotion and love we bestow to each, which is perdurable and priceless.

19 jun 2021

Anglès C1.1. Accèssit. Antonia Rigo Adrover

Love in the Time of Cholera

It was a weird sensation, not sure if I will be able to describe it with words. Like walking in your school empty late at night, quiet and calm, when the only memories you have are full of children running, chatting and playing. Like when you discover for the first time a new amazing panoramic sight, enigmatic and breath-taking and you just have to stand for a moment to get all what surrounds you. Out of place, but in the right place at the same time.

I gently opened the door and entered the library. It was almost as I remembered it from the last time, long ago now. Hardly anything had changed. I could see my classmates reading their favourite novels. What is more, I could hear my science teacher giving me the marks of an exam I failed. What a melancholic feeling.

18 jun 2021

Anglès B2.2. Accèssit. Andrea Barceló Fernández

Give Love

It had been a rainy day, Marga was telling the story of her shop called “Give Love” to her granddaughter Vanesa. This store consisted of returning the love which other people gave you.It's possible if you make some demonstrations of love such as bake a cake or watch films with the person you love. Vanesa said the idea was awesome, nevertheless she didn’t understand why people needed to go there. Marga responded that sometimes it’s necessary to remind people that their loved ones are important and her store had been based on helping people to share love. Vanesa hesitantly asked her why she closed her store if it’s sure that humans need it.The granny answered with melancholy: unfortunately nowadays people don’t have time to give love, they are busy with their jobs, their studies... They think that love is taken for granted and never worry to demonstrate it, they don’t see it necessary.My shop closed because love is gone and it's becoming superficial with false feelings of love

17 jun 2021

Anglès B2.2. Accèssit. Maria Lluïsa Escarrer Amengual


It was a bright morning in May 2021 at Port de Sóller, I was twenty-two and I was studying hard to finish my law degree the following June. Suddenly, I felt a chill and it was hard for me to breathe. Since the total lockdown the previous year, I had begun to suffer from claustrophobic attacks regularly, especially when I was studying. As a consequence of the pandemic, the university course had been online which was hard and dull, and moreover, lacked the feeling of closeness to fellow classmates.
The day was wonderful, and I really needed fresh air, so I decided to go to the beach and try to forget my discomfort. 149
I was relaxing at the beach, observing the beauty of the environment, and thinking how different the Port de Sóller was the previous year. As a result of the Covid crisis, which was a humanitarian catastrophe, there was no overcrowding. 

16 jun 2021

Anglès B2.2. Abel Trujillano Ruiz. Accèssit

A new day begins. You look at me, I look at you. Fifteen days without leaving.

I observe through the window of the courtyard, tarnished by our breathing, the wind roaring without resistance with all the sky in favour, I hear the sea vibrating in solitude reflecting the stars that keep shining.

The birds conquer every corner of our courtyard feeling the freedom and the plants show their maximum splendor, with all their flowers, as if they had something to celebrate.

I sigh wistfully, perhaps with a little envy, these four walls weigh a lot. How long will this last?

You look at me again, I look at you, you smile and that's when I understand that on this side of the window is where everything I need is, the real love.

15 jun 2021

Anglès B2.2. Accèssit. Laura Moreno Montes

Do not ask me why I am trying to do this. I am here, trying to explain you my feelings. I do not usually do this; I prefer to do not show you my feeling because it embarrasses me.

All these things have happened since that day that you started to touch me, you looked me in a different way, we just seem two little children. That afternoon was special for me, I started to feel new things when you were bringing your lips closer and closer. It was so strange; I did not know why it was happening.

I did not understand why I needed to meet you all the time. Also, I spent all day thinking in our first kiss, I started to dream with you, it was very strange, I did not know why it was happening.

As time went by, I noticed how boring would life be if I did not meet with you again. I should tell you that I love you, but I do not think this word can sum up everything you mean to me. I only want three things: See you, kiss you and love you. Forever.

14 jun 2021

Anglès B2.1. Accèssit. Maria de Lluc Riera Mas

I take the bus and as every day it makes a bohemian fog, but I am not in London I am in Oxford. Today it’s raining, but this type of rain that drops calmly and wants to be snow.

-Cheers! (Like every day to the bus driver with his still sleepy eyes and his moustache almost frozen). And suddenly… incredible!! I just find 10 pounds note in the floor.
When I am paying attention to cross the street, I see the tombs that rest quietly just in front of the hotel and I reflect on this one moment and softly I say to myself: “carpe diem”.
I believe that the word is love if I think in what I feel every day when I go to the park and I find the squirrel. And the first day it came down from the tree and it came to me. I could say that it was love at first sight. We are close friends now and today surprisingly the squirrel give me one note:When you cross the first bridge in the park, follow the path that the squirrel draw.

13 jun 2021

Anglès B2.1. Accèssit. Manuel Albertí Oñate

Nancy´s mobile rang, it was Brand, the boy that she was in love with he wanted to cancel their date with a silly excuse.

When she arrived home, she went directly to bed to cry and she forgot to have dinner, she only ate an apple before sleeping. She bit it and she saw a small hole where a big worm showed up unexpectedly. She shouted and threw the apple. She approached it and raised her leg to smash it, but she saw how the disoriented worm tried to survive that terrible situation.

- What is happening to me? She said with tears in her eyes. Why am I trying to replicate my pain in another being? I should learn how this worm lives, it doesn´t need so many things in its life and it seems satisfied.

Nowadays Nancy has different greenhouses with varied fruits and vegetables that she sells to different restaurants. Also, she has a part only for the worm near the apple tree where the earth is always fresh.

Now she feels in love with the nature… she is in love with herself!

12 jun 2021

Anglès B2.1. Accèssit. Óscar David Millán Vivancos


That day we had had an inopportune argument. So, I went for a walk and she went with her family.
Then I took the subway. But because I felt guilty, I immediately began to miss her. I felt sad and depressed. I thought that our best option would be to talk a little. Suddenly, something happened with my phone. First of all, strange symbols appeared, instead of the normal letters and numbers. Next, I tried to send a… impossible. That was the battery… and my charger was at home! I had a big problem. I couldn’t call her and I found no money in my pockets. The minutes became hours. What would she be thinking of? My silence would make all worse. The subway kept getting further and further away without stopping and I couldn’t get off. I felt completely isolated, disconnected, lost… alone. My sadness was growing towards infinity.
Finally, a noise woke me up. I opened my eyes and had no idea where I was. I felt relieved. My love was in the kitchen. It had just been a nightmare.

11 jun 2021

Anglès B2.1. Accèssit. Maria del Carmen Romero Borrallo

The Turkish invasion.

I have the strange feeling of being invaded by Turkish soap operas. I turn on the television and there they are, at all hours. They are advertised on programs and even on the news. The product is offered and has already been sold.
Years ago the same thing happened with Venezuelan soap operas. I was a teenager when I saw my grandmother hurry up in the kitchen to sit in front of the television and not miss a new chapter of the hundreds that those soap operas had. My grandmother enjoyed love stories but she also suffered with them. Those stories made her forget everything and not think about anything other than the protagonists. They were so successful that it marked an entire decade of the 90s and in many homes nothing was heard other than the names of those actresses, names of precious stones such as Emerald, Topaz or Ruby.
Today few people are unaware of the adventures of Serkan and Eda because now we have to live the decade of the Turkish invasion.

10 jun 2021

Anglès B2.1. Accèssit. Margarita Pons Bonet

The love he felt was so strong that as soon as he saw her, he wanted to eat her.

In a short time, he had her wrapped up at his feet. The loving look of his popped eyes made her more and more vulnerable and without she realising it, she was hypnotised and he took her to his world.
After a heavy storm in which she was severely beaten and got injured, she thought she had no escape. But in a matter of seconds her womanly strength and self-respect drove her to untear that tangle and she went free.
Spider webs are almost invisible. Open your eyes.

9 jun 2021

Anglès B1. Accèssit. Araceli Villaverde

When the soul is caressed.

I saw it and fell in love! And how do you know what love is? I do not know it but
I feel it. Because when I loved myself enough I could love and understand. And at that moment I was able to read the heart of the other person.

8 jun 2021

Anglès B1. Accèssit. Ekaterina Butsyna

 Love is where there is home and home is where you are.

7 jun 2021

Anglès B1. Accèssit. Maria Jose Muñoz Torres

One day I went on an excursion with my friend Antonia and her parents to the beach and we went by boat

It was a hot day and the sun was strong.
Antonia started to feel bad She got dizzy and lost consciousness .
We were all very scared, and her mother screamed and screamed in panic. And her father tried to calm her mother .
I was a child but just knew what to do because of I watching a program about doctors.
I wet with water some T-shirts that I was carrying in my bag and put them under her armpits and lifted her legs.
I also told her father to shade her with his t-shirt until we got to the beach.
While I told the mother to call the emergency
In the ambulance she woke up and the doctors said that we had acted correctly and that she was out of danger.
They asked us if any of us worked in medicine, and I told them .
Not yet ..but I want to become a doctor.
I love medicine and I love helping save lives.
And this is the beginning of my story in medicine.

6 jun 2021

Anglès B1. Accèssit. Silvia Peña Jordán

Once upon a time there was a group of students with science school degrees. They were in the University and they were working hard to resolve a problem that showed up one day. They didn’t know what happened because it was new for all the people but they wanted to solve this situation. The problem was when the people had the noname sickness. Immediately they caught the nomane illness, the people wore royal clothes and this action was very strange. All the people believed like a monarch because they had gone crazy and wore a love Crown. The scientists thought" we have to change this situation."

Those students who are working about this illness proclaim this new disease with the name Coronavirus.

5 jun 2021

Anglès B1. Accèssit. Teresa Martínez Murias

In the course of time

At first he appeared suddenly.
Then she got used to him.
She in the end she called it Love.

4 jun 2021

Anglès A2. Accèssit. Margalida Serra Amengual

Is the sensation about I can feeling inside, we can send this feeling a other persons with a word, silence, a kiss, a synonim and adjective...is reflected in a hug. In conclusion, is a simply word all the persons can identificated, is Called LOVE.

LOVE, I can feeling inside my bones when I talk about one thing is passion for me while I can try to explain to other person. While only I can see their face and listen their words...
Supouse I can understand that love is something difficult to measure, and that no matter how hard we try to find a way to describe the size of our feelings, we will not always succeed.

3 jun 2021

Alemany B1. Accèssit. Aina Maria Cifre Pascual

Geliebte Therese,

es wird Sommer und die Tage werden sonniger. Es weht eine milde Brise und Leute sind ein bisschen glücklicher. Seitdem ich in die USA geflohen bin, denke ich jeden Tag an dich, und ich vermisse dich. Jetzt bin ich seit einem Tag in der Normandie, wahrscheinlich mein letzter Tag auf dieser Welt.

In Momente wie diesen denken Leute an ihre Familie und an ihre Freunden, nicht an den Feind, weil die Liebe stärkster ist als der Hass. Ich liebe dich, seit wir Kindern waren, aber du wirst es nie wissen, denn dies sind meine letzten Gedanken.

Dein Frederik.

2 jun 2021

Alemany A2. Accèssit. Isabel Domínguez García

Leo ist Architekt, Ana Designerin und sie leben in Berlin.Der Wecker hat nicht geklingelt und Leo ist später aufgestanden.Um 9 Uhr steht er am Bahnhof mit die Mappe in den Armen.Dann kommt Ana an,eine schöne Frau.Danach weht der Wind,seine Papiere fliegen weg und ein Papier fällt auf Anas Gesicht.Er holt es und es hat einen Lippenstiftfleck.Sie lächeln aber die Bahn kommt.Leo muss einsteigen.Heute ist Ana früher aufgestanden.Um 9 Uhr kommt sie am Bahnhof an und dort steht ein Mann.Dann fällt ein Papier auf ihr Gesicht und der Mann holt es.Sie lächeln, aber die Bahn kommt.Später ist Leo im Büro und er kann nicht zeichnen.Er kennt dieses Gefühl: Liebe.Ana trinkt Kaffee im Atelier aber sie kann sich nicht konzentrieren.Wer ist er?Dann sieht Leo aus dem Fenster und die Frau ist in dem Gebäude gegenüber!Leo nimmt das Papier mit Anas Lippenstiftfleck,macht ein Papierflugzeug und wirft es.Ana setzt am Tisch und ein Papierflugzeug landet darauf. Dann sieht sie aus dem Fenster und sie lächelt.

1 jun 2021

Xinès A2. Relat guanyador. Irene Oliver Morey
